BNC Key Chain Radiation Detector for Upper-Range Radiation User Manual

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is alarming due to a dirty bomb or nuclear explosion, you won

t have to wonder about

the cause!! Still - Don

t Panic!!!

If you are confronted with a

dirty bomb

attack, as long as you avoid breathing in the dust, the

radiation will not be instantly life threatening, and your NukAlert

will be telling you that. You

should move away from the blast area as quickly as possible. If the wind is blowing toward you from
the direction of the blast, travel in a direction that is crosswise or perpendicular to the wind as you
move away from the blast area. If possible cover your face with a dust mask or cloth to avoid inhaling
potentially radioactive dust. Upon reaching a safe location, remove your outer clothing outside and
shower as soon as possible. Refer to local news sources for additional instructions about sheltering or
evacuation. With public communication and infrastructure intact, the government is well equipped to

direct the response to a

dirty bomb

attack and their advice should be generally heeded.


dirty bomb

, unlike a nuclear weapon detonation or power plant reactor meltdown, cannot

produce radioactive Iodine, so if you are certain the event was a

dirty bomb

, there is no need to

take Potassium Iodide (KI). In the event of a nuclear power plant accident, the authorities are likely to

have good information and a sensible plan

take their advice seriously and use your own common


What if there is a terrorist or military nuclear weapon detonation?

A nuclear detonation presents a much more difficult scenario. The infrastructure and public

communication may be totally disrupted leaving you completely on your own. Don

t Panic!!! Even

if the NukAlert

is chirping wildly, you must evaluate the situation. In a week or two, people will be

rebuilding their lives. Determine to survive and be among them! The zone of total destruction of a
nuclear blast is limited to a few miles or even just a few blocks depending on the power of the
weapon. If you are outside of that zone, your chances of surviving to live a long healthy life are quite


. If you know what to do!

Your first indication of an attack may be a bright flash of light. If you are within several miles of the
detonation, a blast and brief tornado-like winds will arrive within a few seconds, to a maximum of a

minute or so, after the flash. This is the time to

Duck and Cover

. Don

t look at the flash


could blind you! Drop flat to the ground or behind any shelter that can be taken instantly. Cover any
exposed areas with anything that can limit burns from the intense light, or injury from flying debris.
Stay covered for two minutes. Count the number of seconds from the flash to the blast wave arrival. If
the blast does not arrive within two minutes, it will be considerably weakened when it does. If your

begins chirping within 30 seconds after the flash, it means that you have received some of

the primary radiation from the detonation

it does not necessarily mean you will get radiation


only that you will need to be extra careful about further radiation exposure from the

fallout because you have already absorbed some unknown dose.

After waiting two minutes for the blast, get up and find shelter immediately from the coming fallout.
This is the time to think about, look for, and work with other people. Your knowledge and NukAlert
can be employed to save the lives and health of many people. The number of seconds between the
flash and the blast wave arrival divided by 5 gives a rough idea of your distance in miles from ground
zero. If you were within a few miles, radioactive fallout will begin within a few minutes. Much further