Rubicon Express RE7000 User Manual
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the bump stop bolt into the lower spring pad (refer to step #12).
Rotate the coil to index the spring with lower coil cup.
17. Install the spring retainer clamp removed in step #5.
18. Install longer front shocks. Bar pins may need to be put through the
bottom shock eyes (use light grease).
19. Install adjustable front track bar per instructions supplied with track
bar. Make final adjustment when weight is on vehicle and axle is
20. Install sway bar quick disconnects per instructions supplied with
disconnects (see Photo 2 for typical installation).
21. Remove the rear shocks.
22. Remove the rear sway bar end links.
23. Support the rear axle.
24. Disconnect rear track bar at axle.
25. Remove all four factory control arms.
26. Remove the rear springs.
27. Remove the plastic dust shield that covers the bolt securing the rear
track bar to the mount on the axle housing and discard.
28. Remove the Torx head bolt (t55) and disconnect axle end of track
bar, if not done previously.
29. Install track bar bracket using the supplied ½” bolt and spacer (the
spacer goes in the location vacated by the track bar to prevent the
bracket from deforming when the bolt is tightened - see Photo 3 for
similar installation).
30. With the track bar bracket in place, drill two 5/16” holes in the axle
mount where the plastic dust shield was previously located, one on
top and one on angled surface.
31. Install the 5/16” hardware in the holes drilled in step #30.
32. Install the track bar in the track bar bracket using the Torx bolt
removed in step #28. It may be easier to do this later with weight
on the vehicle.
33. Install the lower control arms with the rubber bushing at the frame
and super flex end at the axle. The offset tube should be mounted
as low as possible (zerk on top - see Photo 1). Use the factory
hardware at the frame and the supplied bolt through the Superflex
joint at the axle mount (don’t fully tighten until vehicle is back on
the ground).
34. Set upper control arm length 3/4” longer than stock for a CV drive
shaft (1/4” if trying to use std shaft) as a good starting point (see
general vibration in troubleshooting). Install the upper control arms
using the factory hardware (don’t fully tighten until vehicle is back
on the ground). Super-Flex end should be at axle with zerk on top
(see Photo 4).
35. Remove the rubber insert from the rear bump stop. Remove the
bump stop cup. Place the 1-1/2" bump stop extension (RE1385)
between the bump stop cup and the frame using the supplied
longer metric hardware.
36. Install coil springs (RE1360). Spring compressors may be helpful.
37. Install replacement sway bar end links.
38. Install longer rear shocks.
39. If using, install transfer case drop kit by supporting one side of
transfer case with floor jack. Remove hardware from one side of
crossmember. Install spacers and new hardware. Tighten to 55
ft./lbs. Repeat on opposite side. NOT TO BE USED ON 6 SPEEDS
40. Install all tires.
41. Lower vehicle to ground and adjust front track bar to center front
axle per instructions supplied with track bar.
42. Thoroughly bleed brake lines and check for leaks.
43. Double-check all nuts and bolts to factory torque specs.
44. Test drive and note location of steering wheel. Adjust drag link to
center steering wheel.
45. Align vehicle as soon as practical. A good rule of thumb is minimum
factory caster and maximum factory toe-in.
Recheck all bolts after 50 miles and again after every off road
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