Safety precautions – L.B. White 300 Director User Manual
Page 6

Safety Precautions
Do not attempt to install, repair, or service this heater
unless you have continuing exper t training and
knowledge of liquid fuel heaters.
Qualifications for service and installation of this
equipment are as follows:
To be a qualified liquid fuel heater service person, you
must have sufficient training and experience to handle
a l l a s p e c t s o f i n d i r e c t f i r e d l i qu i d f u e l h e a te r
installation, service and repair. This includes the task
of installation, troubleshooting, replacement of
defective parts and testing of the heater. You must be
able to place the heater into a continuing safe and
normal operating condition. You must completely
familiarize yourself with the heater by reading and
complying with the safety instructions, labels, Owner’s
Manual, etc., that is provided with each heater.
All installations and applications of L.B. White heaters
must meet all relevant local, state and national
codes. Included are electrical and safety codes. Your
local fuel supplier, a local licensed electrician, the
local fire department or similar government agencies,
or your insurance agent can help you determine code
Refer to the following:
-- ANSI/NFPA 70, National Electrical Code.
-- A N S I A 10 . 0 , 19 9 0 L a te s t E d i t i o n S a fe t y
Requirements for Temporary and Portable Space
H e a t i n g D ev i c e s a n d E qu i p m e n t U s e d i n
Construction Industry.
The area surrounding the heater shall be kept clear
and free from combustible materials, gasoline, and
other flammable vapors and liquids.
We cannot anticipate every use which maybe made of
our heaters. Check with the local fire safety authority
if you have questions about applications.
For safety, this heater is equipped with fan and high
limit switches. Never operate the heater with any
safety device that has been bypassed. Do not
operate this heater unless these features are fully
Do not locate fuel containers near the blower outlet of
the heater.
Do not block air intakes or discharge outlets of the
heater. Doing so may cause improper combustion or
damage to heater components leading to property
Check for fuel leaks and proper function upon heater
installation, when relocating, and after servicing.
This heater should be inspected for proper operation
by a qualified service person before each use, not
less than once per shift, and at least annually.
T h i s h e a te r i s e qu i p p e d w i t h a t h r e e - p ro n g
(grounding) plug for your protection against shock
hazard and must be plugged directly into a properly
grounded three-prong receptacle. Failure to use a
properly grounded receptacle can result in electrical
shock, personal injury, or death.
Read and understand all warnings. Keep this manual
for reference. It is your guide to safe and proper
operation of this heater.
Use only the recommended fuels to avoid risk of fire
or explosion. Never use gasoline, naptha, paint
thinners, alcohol, or other highly flammable fuels.
a) Personnel involved with fueling shall be
qualified and thoroughly familiar with the
manufacturer’s instructions and applicable
regulations regarding the safe fueling of heating
b) Use only the type of fuel specified within the
c) All flame shall be extinguished and the heater
allowed to cool prior to fueling.
d) During fueling, all fuel lines and fuel-line
connections shall be inspected for leaks. Any leaks
shall be repaired prior to returning the heater to
e) At no time shall more than one day’s supply of
heater fuel be stored inside a building in the vicinity
of the heater. Bulk fuel storage shall be outside
the structure.
All fuel storage shall be located a minimum of 25
feet from heaters, torches, welding equipment, and
similar sources of ignition (exception: the fuel
reservoir integral with the heater unit).
g) Whenever possible, fuel storage shall be confined
to areas where floor penetrations do not permit
fuel to drip onto or be ignited by a fire at lower
h) Fuel storage shall be in accordance with the
authority having jurisdiction.
i) Fuel storage shall not be permitted within 10 ft. of
floor penetrations used for vertical access unless
separated from the penetration by full masonry
height walls.
Use only in areas free of flammable vapors or high
dust content.
Locate heater on a stable and level surface while hot
or operating.
Never star t heater if fuel has accumulated in
combustion chamber.
H e a te r m ay s t a r t a t a ny t i m e w h e n u s e d w i t h