JBA 40-9012 User Manual
Installation instructions

**Inst allation recommendation:
JBA recommends in most cases that the vehicle be taken to a reputable exhaust shop.
95-00 T oyota T acoma EC/SB
V6-2.4/2.7L 4 wd
9/16'' Deep wall socket
12mm socket
1/2'' Deep wall socket
Channel lock pliers
14mm socket
Hack saw or reciprocating saw
12mm socket
3/8'' drive ratchet
anti seize
S pray lube
rubber mallet
1. Remove and inventory new JBA
2. Disconnect negative battery cable and
allow vehicle exhaust to cool.
3. With vehicle raised and properly sup-
ported, support muf fler and cut of f tail
pipe 4''behind rear of muf fler.
See Notes: #1
4. Spray lube on rear tail pipe hanger
rod, and remove from rubber grommet
using channel lock pliers.
5. Remove tail pipe from rear of vehicle.
6. Remove oxygen sensor using a 12mm
socket, save gasket.
7. With muf fler properly supported,
remove two flange bolt s in front of muf fler
assembly using a 14mm socket. Save
bolt's they will be reused.
Part s List
A. Head pipe
B. Muffler, oval
C. Tail pipe with tip
D. 2-1/2" clamp
E. 2-1/2" clamp
F. 8mm nut
8. S pray lube on two rear muf fler hanger
rods, and remove from lower holes in rub-
ber grommet s using channel lock pliers.
9. Remove muffler assembly , t
taking care
not to damage flange gasket.
10. Remove flange gasket from stock
head pipe, and install on JBA head
pipe (A).
12. Install oxygen sensor gasket and sen-
sor. Using two 8mm (F), tighten
using 1/2 '' socket.
16. Install tail pipe into rear muffler slip
joint 2'', and install two hanger rods into
lower holes in rubber grommets.
13. Inst all muffler (B) with of fset end for-
ward and down. Slip on 2''.
14. Support muffler and align straight up
and down. Install 2 1/4'' clamp (D) over
2-1/4î front muffler slip joint and tighten
completely using a 9/16'' deep wall sock-
et. NOTE: Use anti seize on threads of
clamps. See Notes #2.
17. Inst all and position rear muffler 2 1/4''
clamp (E) over slip joint and tighten com-
pletely using a 9/16'' deep socket.
NOTE: Use anti seize on threads of
clamp. See Notes #2
18. Check exhaust kit for proper clear-
ance, and location of tip.
19. After installation, it is recommended
that all clamps be retightened.
20. T ack weld all slip connections in
three spot s.
21. Using a soft cloth, remove all prints
from turnout tip (D).
22. Lower vehicle and reatt ach the nega-
tive battery cable.
1. If vehicle is lifted with proper vehicle
lift, and sp are tire is removed. S tep #3
can be eliminated,and stock exhaust
can be removed in one piece.
2. If anti seize is not used on threads
of clamp s before tightening, the nuts will
gall and clamp will break.
15. Install tail pipe (C) from rear of
vehicle, and slip rear tail pipe hanger
rod into lower hole in rubber grommet.
11. Bolt JBA head pipe (A) to flange
using 14mm socket. NOTE: Oxyger sen-
sor flange point s inward.