JBA 6690SJT User Manual
Page 3

1. These headers are best installed on a drive on lift.
2. Remove trunk liner. Disconnect Neg. Battery cable.
3. Remove the rear section, and next section forward of the belly pan.
4. Remove the rear hatch. This is a three-person job. Disconnect the electrical
connector, pull the two little hairpins from the pivot pins, two people hold the
hatch while the third disconnects the lift struts, and pulls the pivot pins. To
separate the hinges the hatch must be lowered slightly, and slid forward and up.
5. The rear lower grille must be removed.
6. Remove the air box.
7. To remove the muffler- Remove the six nuts attaching the cat assemblies to the
muffler. Remove the four bolts attaching the cross bracket to the muffler.
Remove the three nuts attaching the cross bracket to the vertical bracket on the
rear of the transaxle. Remove the vertical bracket, and the cross bracket.
Support the transaxle from below. Remove the through-bolt at the top of the
trans-axle to the frame. Lower the trans axle until it stops. Move the shift arm
forward. The muffler can now be removed. It weighs more than 50 lbs, and is
awkward, so an extra person is highly recommended.
8. Unplug the O2 sensors. Remove nuts attaching Cat assemblies to the manifolds.
Remove Cat assy’s rearward, and up through the top.
9. Remove the bolts attaching the heat shields to the exhaust manifolds. Remove
heat shields.
10. Remove the EGR tube.
11. Remove the nuts and studs attaching the manifolds to the heads. Remove the
manifolds from the vehicle.
Installing the headers.
12. Remove the nuts and bolts attaching the axle heat shields to the trans axle.
Remove the shields.
13. Remove the six Torx head bolts attaching the CV joints to the trans axle.
Collapse the half shaft slightly to allow the CV joint to clear the companion
flange, and raise the half shaft above the flange.
14. From the rear underside, slip the headers into place, under the half shafts, all the
way forward.
15. Using the gaskets and hardware provided, bolt the headers to the motor.
Replace through bolt on trans axle. Re-connect half shafts, and heat shields.
16. Check to insure adequate clearance on the clutch hydraulic line. If necessary it
can be slipped out of it’s bracket and lowered slightly.
17. Re-install EGR tube.
18. Install the new exhaust pipes using the supplied V-band clamp. * Note- The bolt
and nut provided with the clamp are stainless, and will gall. Use anti-seize on
bolt. Swap O2 sensors to Cat pipes.
19. If re-installing factory muffler reverse disassembly procedure. If installing JBA
(Item name) use hardware supplied, and reverse disassembly procedure.
20. When the exhaust system is buttoned up, check to insure adequate clearance on
clutch line, Starter wires, etc.
21. Re-connect battery cable.
22. Start engine and check for leaks.
23. Re-install hatch, grill, and belly pan pieces.