JBA 6695SJT User Manual
Page 3

6. Remove bolt from steering coupler at steering rack.
7. From under the dash:
Remove the nuts from the steering shaft plate at the firewall. Remove the bolt connecting the steering shaft to the steering
wheel stub shaft. Collapse the steering shaft to disengage from the stub shaft, remove steering shaft from vehicle.
8. Remove the 15mm nut from the motor mount stud, on the driver’s side. Using a block of wood under the oil pan, raise en-
gine about 1”.
9. Remove the driver’s side exhaust manifold, dipstick, and studs. Lower engine.
10. Using a clean drain pan, drain radiator. Retain coolant for re-use.
11. Remove hose clamps from water pipe passing under driver’s side head. Unbolt three screws attaching pipe to head, and oil
filter bracket. Without damaging rubber hoses, remove water pipe*.
*NOTE: It is possible to leave the stock metal water pipe in place, however the header install will become increasingly difficult
if left untouched. The rubber hose and attachments are provided to give the option for an easier install. The choice is yours.
12. Using connectors, clamps, and hoses supplied, reroute coolant hose up behind cylinder head, over valve cover, under
throttle body, around front of valve cover, to original connection point.
13. Install one of the O2 Extender harnesses. Tuck it into the metal heat shield, and bend the shield to retain as necessary.
14. Using the supplied hardware. Install the two lower center bolts and supplied gasket. Install the header over the two center
bolts using care to not ruin the gasket. Install bolts in remaining holes using care to not cross thread the bolts. Tighten evenly.
Reinstall dipstick.
15. Re-install and secure motor mount bolt.
16. Remove the three bolts attaching starter to the bellhousing. Reposition starter to allow it to hang below the crossmember.
17. Remove the Passenger side motor mount bolt. Spray some penetrating oil on the EGR tube nut on the exhaust manifold.
18. Using a block of wood on the oil pan, raise the engine about 1”.
19. Remove exhaust manifold, and studs.
20. Lower engine, re-secure motor mount bolt.
21. Install one of the O2 Extender harnesses. Tuck it into the metal heat shield, and bend the shield to retain as necessary.
22. Using hardware and gaskets supplied, install bolts in the top two center bolt holes.
23. Install header using care to not destroy the gasket or cross thread bolts. Connect the EGR tube.
24. Re-install starter.
25. Swap O2 sensors into headers using a light dab of anti seize, connect and secure leads.
26. Check to insure adequate clearance between collectors and heat shielding, adjust as necessary.
27. Re-install steering shaft- Slip coupler onto rack before you tighten nuts on firewall.
28. Re-install battery tray, wire loom clip, battery, and battery strap.
29. Re-install air box and air inlet tube. Connect vacuum line, wire harness, and PCV line. Install hold down bolt.
30. Re-check everything. Clearance on wire looms, brake lines, coolant lines, etc.
31. Refill coolant system.
32. Reconnect battery cables. Start engine, check for leaks.
33. Allow engine to reach operating temperature. Check coolant level.