JBA 1676SJT User Manual
Page 3

Passenger Side Header
5. Remove the starter.
6. Place a jack, with a board between the jack and the oil pan, underneath the motor. Remove the motor mount nut (under
the frame) and raise the engine approx.1”. Remove the bolts holding the motor mount plate to the engine.
7. Remove the nuts and studs attaching the manifold to the head. Remove the manifold.
8. Remove the gasket and any gasket material or any carbon deposits that remain on the head surface. The use of a gasket
removal agent or scraper will ease the removal of any gasket material. Use care not to get debris into ports.
9. Remove both studs from cyl. no. 2, 3, and the top of cylinder #1
10. Slip the header over the frame from the top. It is a tight fit but will slip in.
11. Install the supplied gasket after the header is in place to avoid gasket damage
12. Re-install studs on cylinder #1 & 2 only.
13. Install the supplied bolts and washers on cylinder #3.
14. Reuse the factory nuts on the remaining studs. Tighten fasteners in an alternating sequence.
15. Re-install the starter. Bolt the motor mount plate to the motor. Lower the motor and tighten lower mount bolts
Driver’s Side Header
16. From underneath the truck, remove the nuts attaching the manifold to the head. Remove the engine oil dipstick, noting
where it inserts into block. Remove the manifold.
17. Remove the rear most top manifold stud from the head.
18. Remove the gasket and any gasket material or any carbon deposits that remain on the head surface. The use of a gasket
removal agent or scraper will ease the removal of any gasket material. Use care not to get debris into ports.
19. Slip the supplied head gasket over the studs then install the Header. Install the supplied bolt and washer into the rear
most top hole. Reuse the factory nuts on the remaining studs. Tighten fasteners in an alternating sequence. Reinstall the
dipstick tube and dipstick.
20. Apply a small amount of O2 sensor safe RTV silicone around the flares on the factory exhaust system then reconnect
the factory exhaust system to the new headers using the supplied 2-1/2” collector bolts.
21. Check to make sure that all the wiring, fuel lines, transmission cooler lines, brake lines, hoses, etc. are clear of the
headers or any exhaust components and reroute or relocate those components as necessary.
22. Install the inner fender panel and front wheel.
23. Reconnect the battery.
24. Start the engine, check for leaks and test drive. Let the engine cool and then re-torque the header bolts.
25.Periodically check and retighten the header bolts.