Broan NuTone Premier User Manual

Page 15

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Shown: City Contemporary Cherry 62BK244CCY

Shown: City Contemporary Maple 62BK244CMP

Shown: City Contemporary Chestnut 62BK244CCN

Shown: City Contemporary Black 62BK244CBK

Is it modern? Or is it Eurodesign? Whatever you call it, elegant simplicity describes it best. And
regardless of how you design with City Collection Contemporary frames, our four beautiful
wood finishes will cover every need. The shallow bevel of the frame rises from the wall surface to create
a clean and refined appearance. Smooth hinges silently guide the door open to present a satin-black
cabinet. With mirrors on the inside door and the back of the cabinet, as well as adjustable glass shelves,
light is reflected into every corner for superior visibility. Timeless in design, City Contemporary frames
will be a perfect complement to a broad range of colors, textures, and fine fabrics—now, and in
the years ahead. See page 13 for specifications.

C i t y C o n t e m p o r a r y