3 hook up & go – Behringer Feedback Destroyer Pro DSP1100P User Manual

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Electrostatic charges might affect the operation of the FEEDBACK DESTROYER PRO!

For further information on correct installation see chapter 5 “Installation”.
As a standard the audio inputs and outputs on the BEHRINGER FEEDBACK DESTROYER PRO are fully

balanced. If possible, connect the unit to other devices in a balanced configuration to allow for maximum

interference immunity.
The automatic servo function detects unbalanced connections and compensates the level difference automati-

cally (6 dB correction). The MIDI links (IN/OUT/THRU) are made over standardized DIN patch cords. The data

communication is isolated from ground by opto couplers.

1.3 Hook up & go

We know you are anxious to get to work with your new FEEDBACK DESTROYER PRO, the band is probably

setting up now, you’re half an hour behind schedule, it is hectic, dark and damp. If you promise to read the

whole manual tomorrow, or at least next week, we show you how to get up and go and get through this night

alive. If you’ve used a variety of PA gear, you’ll have the FEEDBACK DESTROYER PRO up and running after

quickly perusing the manual. If you’re not so experienced, don’t worry, it will come to you. In both cases, still

read the manual! The following may then help you get it happening with a minimum of fuss.


In order to use the full potential of your FEEDBACK DESTROYER PRO, please bear in mind the

following points:


No device will fully compensate for wrong microphone handling! Be aware that there are some actions on

stage may still result in feedback.


Allow some time for experimentation – you may need to get used to the DSP1100P over several gigs.


The FEEDBACK DESTROYER PRO’s single shot filters are well suited to automatically attenuate

resonances which are most likely to cause feedbacks.

The most probable use for the FEEDBACK DESTROYER PRO is feedback suppression in a stage monitor

system or in a PA system. The unit should be placed between your console and the poweramplifiers.

First, connect the unit as seen below.


Check the operating level switch on the back panel. For most PAs, this should be set to +4 dB.


On power-up, the Jog Wheel can select any of 10 programs. Programs 1 – 3 give you instant feedback

suppression for all 12 filters. Choose Program 8 or 10 for stereo processing of the master output.


Note that the Bypass switch can be either Off or On, but NOT flashing! When Bypass is flashing,

the whole unit is bypassed. But in the other two modes, filters set to Auto or Single Shot will

still operate.

Master Out

P.A. System

Monitor Out

Monitor System

Master Out

P.A. System

Fig. 1.1: Monitor application

Fig.1.2: PA application


If you are using the FEEDBACK DESTROYER PRO for two separate monitor channels the L & R

Engines should not be coupled.