Philips 272P4QPJKEB-00 User Manual
Page 2

Table of Contents
1. Important
1.1 Safety precautions and maintenance ...1
1.2 Notational Descriptions
1.3 Disposal of product and packing
material ................................................................3
2. Setting up the monitor .........................4
2.1 Installation
2.2 Operating the monitor ...............................6
2.3 MultiView
2.4 Remove the Base Assembly for VESA
Mounting ..........................................................12
3. Image
3.1 SmartImage
3.2 SmartContrast
3.3 Philips SmartControl Premium ...........14
3.4 SmartDesktop Guide
4. PowerSensor™
5. Built-in Webcam with Microphone ..27
5.1 PC system requirements .........................27
5.2 Using the device...........................................27
7HFKQLFDO6SHFLÀFDWLRQV ......................28
6.1 Resolution & Preset Modes...................30
6.2 Crystalclear ....................................................30
7. Power
8. Regulatory
9. Customer care and warranty ...........38
9.1 Philips’ Flat Panel Monitors Pixel
Defect Policy ..................................................38
9.2 Customer Care & Warranty .................40
10. Troubleshooting & FAQs ...................44
10.1 Troubleshooting ...........................................44
10.2 SmartControl Premium FAQs .............45
10.3 General FAQs ...............................................46
10.4 Daisy Chain FAQs .......................................48
10.5 Multiview FAQs ............................................49