5the coffee grinder (fig.10), 6adjusting the coffee dose (fig.11), 7e. plus system – Philips 9314SC0B0119 User Manual

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• •

Insert the plug on the other end of the cord into a suitable wall


• The machine on/off switch is set on “O” (OFF); to turn the machine

on just press the button (Fig.08); the machine will begin to heat up
and the display will show:



When the machine reaches the right temperature, it will carry out a
rinse cycle.

• To load the circuit, direct the steam pipe (Fig.01-pos.14) over the

drip tray, place a cup or other suitable receptacle below the steam
nozzle and press the button (26); the following messages will be
displayed in turn:





• Turn the knob (Fig.09) anticlockwise and wait until water is

discharged from the steam pipe in a steady stream; to stop the

flow of water, turn the knob clockwise.

Note: After a long period of disuse, if the water tank

has been completely emptied, you must reload the

circuit before starting up the machine. The circuit must also be
loaded every time the display shows the following message:


• Press pushbutton 26 again.
• When the heating-up phase reaches completion, the display will




• After the above steps are completed, the machine is ready for use.
• To dispense coffee, hot water or steam and ensure proper use of the

machine, carefully follow the directions below.


ThE coffEE gRINDER (fIg.10)

Caution! Only turn the grinding control knob situated
inside the coffee bean container (Fig.10) when the

coffee grinder is working. Do not place ground and/or instant
coffee in the coffee bean container.
Do not introduce anything other than coffee beans into the
container. The coffee grinder contains dangerous moving parts;
keep fingers and/or other objects away. Before carrying out any

operations in the coffee bean container, switch OFF the ON/OFF
switch (7) and remove the plug from the wall outlet. Do not
introduce coffee beans when the coffee grinder is working.

The quality and the taste of your coffee depend both on the blend

used and the grind.

The appliance comes with a grind-adjusting knob (Fig.10). To use this

feature, turn the graduated knob when the coffee grinder is working;

the numbers displayed on the knob indicate the grind setting.

The manufacturer sets the knob to an average grinding coarseness

in the factory: if the ground coffee is too fine, turn the knob toward

higher settings; if the ground coffee is too coarse, turn the knob toward

lower settings.

You will note the change only after dispensing three /four coffees.

Use coffee beans for espresso coffee makers. Avoid using extremely fine

or coarse grind settings (e.g. 1 and 16); if you find this is necessary,

try using different coffee blends.

Store the coffee in a cool and dry place, in an airtight container.

You should change the grind setting if the coffee does not flow out in

an optimal manner, or more specifically:

The coffee flows out too fast = excessively coarse grind > turn the

knob to lower settings;

The coffee drips out slowly and/or not at all = excessively fine grind

> turn the knob to higher settings.


ADJusTINg ThE coffEE DosE

You may select the quantity of coffee (dose) that you wish to grind.
The manufacturer sets an average dose in the factory, which can meet
most needs.
To change the ground coffee dose, simply turn the knob (Fig.11) situated
inside the coffee container. Turn it anticlockwise to increase the dose
and clockwise to decrease the dose.
You must adjust the dose before pressing the coffee dispenser button.
This system allows you to obtain an optimal cup of coffee with all
commercially available types of coffee.


E. pLus sysTEm

The machine is equipped with a device aimed at adjusting the coffee
density: the E. Plus System.
This system allows you to obtain an optimal cup of coffee with all
commercially available types of coffee.

Adjustment can be made or changed even while dispen-
sing coffee.