Truth b2092a, Audio connections – Behringer TRUTH B2092A User Manual

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making any changes, and then using the controls to finetune the

settings, creating the best results possible. Therefore, first set

the controls to the neutral position labeled TYPICAL, i.e. set PHASE

to 0° and ROOM COMPENSATION to 0 dB.
Start by placing the subwoofer roughly in the stereo center of

your loudspeaker system. If the frequency response is not well-

balanced, move the subwoofer to the left or to the right, so that

it excites different room modes. Also, experiment with different

distances to the wall and to the room’s corners. If you place the

subwoofer in a corner, the bass level will be increased, changing

the overall settings. When selecting a location for your

subwoofer, make sure that the openings in the back of your

B2092A are not covered.
The stereo/front loudspeakers should be placed symmetrically

with the same distance to the listening position. Correct placement

of near-field monitors is explained in detail in the TRUTH B2030A/

B2031A user’s manual and in the TRUTH B2030P/B2031P


3.3.1 Adjusting room compensation

Fig. 3.3: Room compensation

After you have found an optimal physical location for your

B2092A speakers, use the switches in the back to finetune your


lets you lower the bass

range in 2-dB increments. If your B2092A is located near a wall

or in a room corner, the sound is reflected back from the boundary

and superimposed on the directly dispersed sound. This results

in a higher volume, which can be neutralized using the ROOM


3.3.2 Phase adjustment

Fig. 3.4: Effect of phase differences on the frequency


When installing the B2092A, a phasing deviation between the

subwoofer and main speaker signals may occur. This deviation

(phase difference) is easily audible in the sound. Improper

phasing causes a dip at the crossover point. Phasing differences

occur when the distance between the subwoofer and the

audience varies from the distance between the main speakers

and the audience—hence having a varying delay time. This can

not always be avoided. Using the PHASE function, your B2092A

can perform a phase adjustment electronically. Figure 3.5 shows

the possible results of phasing differences on the frequency-

response curve.
For optimal system calibration, we recommend using a Real Time


coupled to a ECM8000 measurement microphone. If no such

equipment is available, you can try making an adjustment using

an 80-Hz sinus tone:
Run the sinus tone simultaneously on the subwoofer and the

front loudspeakers. Set the PHASE switch to the position in

which the sound with the highest volume is being reproduced.


If you are working with the DEQ2496, place the measurement

microphone in your audience at the height of a human ear. Run

pink noise through the speakers. Keep an eye on the 80-Hz

range on the frequency display. If you notice a dip in this

frequency range, put the PHASE switch into a position that causes

a straight frequency response curve, as shown in fig. 3.4

(the graphic on the left).


The audio connectors of your B2092A are electronically

balanced and ensure automatic hum and noise reduction.
Of course, you can also connect equipment featuring unbalanced

outputs. To this end, use either mono jacks or connect ring and

sleeve of the stereo jack (bridge pin 1 and pin 3 when using XLR



Please ensure that only qualified personnel install

and operate the B2092A. During installation and

operation the user must have sufficient electrical

contact to earth. Electrostatic charges might affect

the operation of the unit.

Fig. 4.1: XLR connections

Fig. 4.2: 1/4" TS connector for the footswitch