Preparation for use, Lighting instructions – Brinkmann Smoke 'N Pit OUTDOOR BARBECUE GRILL & SMOKER User Manual

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Step 1

Choose a good assembly area and get a friend to help you put your
smoker together. Lay cardboard down to protect smoker finish and
assembly area.

Step 2

Stand the cooking chamber on its closed end with the door open. Make
sure that another person is holding the cooking chamber steady.

Step 3

Working from the top (open end of chamber), insert bolts into three
holes nearest open end of chamber. Attach legs to cooking chamber

using 4 x 1w" bolts, washers and nuts as illustrated. This level will hold
the charcoal pan.

Step 4

Attach end of legs to cooking chamber using 4 x w" bolts, washers and
nuts as illustrated.

Step 5

Insert the three 4 x 24" bolts into the 3 holes directly below and near-
est the legs as illustrated. Insert washer and nut and securely tighten all
three bolts. This level will hold the water pan and a cooking grill.

Step 6

Use 4 x 1w" bolts, washers and nuts for the next two levels of the
cooking chamber. These levels will hold the two remaining cooking

(Insert bolts here first)

4 x 1w"


4 x w"


4 x 24"


4 x 1w"


1. Remove water pan and cooking grill. Make sure the charcoal pan is secure-

ly in place and the door is fully open.

2. If using a Charcoal Chimney Starter, follow all manufacturer’s warnings and

instructions regarding the use of their product. Carefully place 8-10
pounds of charcoal in the charcoal pan. Proceed to "Operating Instruc-

If using charcoal lighting fluid, use charcoal lighting fluid approved for
lighting charcoal ONLY. Do not use gasoline, kerosene or alcohol for light-
ing charcoal. Place 8-10 pounds of charcoal in charcoal pan. Depending on
the weather a full pan of charcoal will burn for 5-6 hours.

3. Saturate charcoal with lighting fluid and wait 2 to 3 minutes for fluid to

soak in. Store charcoal lighting fluid safely away from the cooker.

4. Carefully light the charcoal and allow to burn with the door open until cov-

ered with a light ash (approximately 20 minutes). This will allow charcoal
lighting fluid to burn off.


If lighting fluid does not completely burn off, fumes could
accumulate in cooker causing an explosion or flash fire
when door is opened.

Prior to initial use of the Smoke King, certain steps should be taken to cure
the cooker. Failure to follow these steps may damage the exterior finish of the
cooker as well as impart unpleasant flavors to the first meal prepared in your
Smoke King. A temperature gauge is recommended for this curing process.
Any high quality oven temperature gauge may be used. We recommend the
Brinkmann temperature gauge which is designed to fit in the door of the
Smoke King.

1. Remove water pan and cooking grills from cooking chamber during the

curing process.

2. Lightly coat the interior surface of cooking chamber with vegetable oil or

pan spray. Do not coat the charcoal pan.

3. Follow the “Lighting Instructions”.

4. If using a temperature gauge, a temperature of approximately 250°F in the

cooking chamber is desired. Maintain this temperature for 1 to 2 hours.

5. Then, increase the temperature by adding more charcoal and/or wood

until the temperature is approximately 350°F to 400°F (follow instructions
in the “Adding Charcoal/Wood During Cooking” section of this manual).
Never exceed a temperature of 450°F in cooking chamber. The cooker is
now ready to use. It is important that the exterior of the cooker is not
scraped or rubbed during this curing process.