Effi ciency, Optimized for maximum profi tability, Comfortable cab for effi cient work – Liebherr R 9400 User Manual
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R 9400
Fast Maintenance System
The service fl ap is hydraulically
actuated and accessible from
the ground level allowing for fast
• Hydraulic oil refi ll
• Engine oil refi ll and drainage
• Splitter box and swing gearbox
oil exchange
• Attachment/swing ring bearing
grease barrel refi lling with fi lters
• Windshield washer water refi lling
• Fast fuel refi lling line
Comfort-Oriented Cab Design
An array of features:
• Tinted laminated safety glass
• Armored front and attachment side windows
• Heavy duty sun louvers on windows
• Adjustable air suspended seat
• A/C with dust fi lter in fresh air / recirculated
• Pressurization to prevent dust penetration
• Trainer seat
Effi ciency
The R 9400 follows the Liebherr design philosophy of maximizing the machines
performance by improving the effi ciency of all individual subsystems. Engineered
for optimum serviceability the machine is designed to ensure maximum uptime.
The R 9400’s spacious cab creates a comfortable working environment ensuring
peak operator performance, every shift.
Optimized for Maximum Profi tability
System Effi ciency
Liebherr hydraulic technology in combination with
the precision of electronic control contributes to the
R 9400’s energy optimization. The high-pressure hy-
draulic system and the optimized pipe and hose layout
maximize usable power transmission. The hydraulic
pumps are electronically managed to provide optimal
pressure compensation and oil fl ow management. The
hydraulic system is independently regulated over the
engine circuit for the best operational effi ciency.
Cooling System
Effi ciency
The oversized independent oil- and water coolers
in combination with low energy consumption fans
and on-demand cooling controls enable to maximize
available power for digging process.
Optimized Service
The R 9400’s high pressure hydraulic oil fi ltration
systems remove contaminants from the fl uid to offer
the highest rate of hydraulic system effi ciency. To
maintain the oil quality, all return hydraulic oil fl ow goes
through a 15/5 μm fi ne fi ltration system. To promote
availability, the grease and fuel tanks are sized to con-
siderably extend the time between service intervals.
Comfortable Cab for Effi cient Work
Superior Operator
The large and spacious cab which equips the
R 9400 offers ideal working conditions and optimal
operator’s comfort. Mounted on silent blocks, the cab
design reduces vibrations and limit noise pollution
to provide a quiet environment.
Working Environment
Total Control
The R 9400’s cab offers a panoramic view over the
entire attachment and loading spot. Two outside
cameras show areas that cannot be observed
directly. Long-distance halogen working lights
promote effi cient loading.