Disney Interactive Studios Chicken Little for PlayStation 2 User Manual
Page 5

Fish-Out-of-Water has an amazing knack for being
there at the right time with just the right thing. His
friends seem to have no problems understanding his
glubs. There’s no knowing how much he understands
about what’s really going on, and yet somehow he
always comes through, even if it’s only to offer a hug.
Goosey is well…not too bright. Her status in life seems
completely dependent on hanging around with Foxy. She
doesn’t speak, but rather communicates in flailing motions
and a variety of crazy honks. Left to her own devices,
she’s not a bad goose, she’s just hanging out with
the wrong crowd.
Goosey Loosey
Abby Mallard is Chicken Little’s best friend. She’s obsessed
with Modern Mallard magazine and has some pretty good
advice for Chicken Little based on all the quizzes she’s taken
and articles she’s read. Clearly Abby has come to grips with her
unattractive appearance. She’s the grounded one - wise, pragmatic
and a lot of fun to be around. She doesn’t always agree with his big
plans, but stays positive and supportive. Abby is a loyal friend
who’s ready to put up a fight in support of her friends.
Abby Mallard
(a.k.a. the Ugly Duckling)
Foxy is a sports star and the town darling. She’s also Chicken Little’s
main nemesis and delights in constantly reminding him of that
fateful day when he mistakenly thought the sky was falling. She
loves the image of being just the sweetest person around, while
assigning her bullying tasks to her not-so-bright sidekick,
Goosey Loosey.
Foxy Loxy
Mayor Lurkey is your typical politician. He likes
to be on the winning side at all times. He flip flops
from thinking Chicken Little is the worst thing to
ever hit the town, to the best hope for the future of
Oakey Oaks, back to the absolute worst thing. He
probably means well most of the time – he’s just been
‘mayoring’ a few too many years. In the end, he might
have a thing or two to learn about what a very
small chicken is capable of doing.
Mayor Turkey Lurkey
Runt is a loveable and insecure
giant pig with some fairly
serious body image problems.
Even though he’s huge, he
thinks of himself as a “wee
little pig”. Runt experiences
large emotional swings
and seems to be a classic
nervous eater. He could use
a huge dose of self-confidence
but when things start going
horribly wrong, there’ll be ample
opportunity to rise to the occasion.