Bacharach LonWorks FT-10 User Manual
Bacharach Hardware

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Revision 0
Installation Guide
Bacharach HGM300 to LonWorks FT-10
Communications Adapter
The Bacharach HGM300 to LonWorks Communications Adapter enables an HGM300
Refrigerant Monitor to communicate with a LonWorks FT-10 Free Topology network.
Zone PPM readings, flow status, refrigerant selections, and HGM internal health may be
viewed over LonWorks. Each HGM zone supports three levels of alarming (Leak, Spill,
Evacuate) and each alarm threshold can be set over LonWorks.
The LonWorks Communications Adapter can be used in conjunction with the RDM800
remote display if desired. Wiring details and operation limitations when using the
RDM800 will be discussed later in this document.
The adapter is powered from the 120V Auxiliary Power connection on the HGM power
supply board. When the HGM is powered up, 120V is present on the lower left corner of
the adapter within the area shown on the board silkscreen. Keep fingers away from this
area when the HGM is powered!!
Adapter Installation Inside HGM300
The communications adapter board will normally be installed in the HGM300 at the
factory. It can, however, be field installed by following the instructions below.
The following installation materials are needed for field installation of the adapter:
(5) 6-32 x ¼” screws (standard finish)
(5) 6-32 x ½” threaded standoffs
(5) 6-32 x ¼” decorative black anodized screws (standard finish OK, black looks nicer)
The adapter board mounts on the rear of the HGM300 door. Position the adapter board
so as not to interfere with the HGM internal components when the door is shut. Mark
(Figure 1) and drill the board’s four corner holes and center hole in the door. Install the
five standoffs on the rear side of the door using the five black decorative screws on the