Bakers Pride LC User Manual
Page 5

The broiler and its individual manual shut-off valve must be physically disconnected from the gas
supply piping system during any pressure testing of that system at test pressure in excess of ½ psig
(3.45 kpa).
The broiler must be isolated from the gas supply piping system by closing its individual manual
shut-off valve during any pressure testing of the gas supply piping system at test pressures equal to
or less than ½ psig (3.45 kpa).
Air-Mixer caps on the front of all burners are adjusted, tightened and sealed before the unit leaves
the factory. If it is necessary to adjust the Air-Mixer caps, the adjustment must be done by a Factory
Authorized technician only, who should seal the adjustment screw after the adjustment.
(i) Position the slot on the front end of the burner over the pin on the front support, keeping the rear
end slightly raised up.
(ii) Place the front venturi end of the burner into valve assembly by fitting the center hole of the Air-
Mixer cap over the brass orifice.
(iii) Drop the rear end of the burner over the pin on the burner support in the rear of the chamber.
(iv) Mount the ‘A’ shaped Heat Deflectors between the burners, supporting them on the locating
slots in the front and rear burner supports.
(i) Mount ‘A’ shaped radiants over the burners with each end mounted on supports on the front and
rear of the chamber. One radiant should be mounted over each burner assembly.
(ii) Place the top grates, wider flange toward the back, over the radiants until the whole broiling area
is covered. Flipping Top Grates upside down and choosing between two supports in the rear, four
positions are possible for different slopes desired.
(i) Mount angular bottom grate supports over the burners with each end mounted on
supports located on the front and rear of the chamber. One bottom grate support should be
mounted over each burner (small pilot shield towards the front).
(ii) Place the Stainless Steel expanded metal Bottom Grate(s) on the angular support above the
(iii) Spread one layer of Glo-Stones covering all of the Bottom Grate(s).
Do not use more than one layer of glo-stones, as that will
reduce the amount of heat reaching the top grates and can
cause overheating and permanent damage to the unit.