BenQ JOYBEE P330 User Manual
Page 37

l Long REC: To record the radio program you are now listening in act
l Exit: To quit the menu.
Note: Save the frequency to a new preset channel number. If the frequency is
just the saved one that is fine tuned, then it will be saved to the current
channel number.
Note: If you want to delete the current saved radio station, press MODE to
delete the current channel and quit to the FM playing interface. Press of other
buttons will cancel the deletion and quit to the FM playing interface.
Delet All
Note: If you want to delete all the saved radio stations, press MODE to delete
all the channel and quit to the FM playing interface. Press of other buttons will
cancel the deletion and quit to the FM playing interface.
Normal Band
Select the current band as 87-108MHz.
School Band
Select the current band as 76-90MHz.