Bryant TSTATBBNAC01-C User Manual
Page 4

1. Enter configuration mode (if not already there).
2. Use up and down buttons to display Option 07. The SET
icon should be off.
3. Press MODE button once. The SET icon will come on. The
display now shows Option 07 setting.
4. Use up and down buttons to move between available Option
07 choices of ON or OF. Factory default is OF.
5. Press MODE button again to return to Option 07. The SET
icon will now be off.
6. Use up and down buttons to select another Option, or press
FAN button to exit configuration mode.
Option 08—High Ambient Auxiliary Heat Lockout
Present in HP and 2S models only when configured as a heat
pump. Outdoor temperature sensor must be attached. This selec-
tion allows lockout of any electric heat (W output) when outdoor
temperature is above a selected temperature. Temperatures of 5° to
55°F (or equivalent values in C) can be selected. Feature can be
disabled by selecting OFF. Emergency heat (EHEAT mode)
always overrides this feature.
1. Enter configuration mode (if not already there).
2. Use up and down buttons to display Option 08. The SET
icon should be off.
3. Press MODE button once. The SET icon will come on. The
display now shows Option 08 setting.
4. Use up and down buttons to move between available Option
08 choices of OF, or 5 through 55 in 5° steps. Factory
default is OF.
5. Press MODE button again to return to Option 08. The SET
icon will now be off.
6. Use up and down buttons to select another Option, or press
FAN button to exit configuration mode.
Option 10 — O (reversing valve) On with Heat or Cool
This selection is only available on HP and 2S model thermostats
when HP is selected via Option 05. This selection determines
whether the reversing valve is energized in the heating or cooling
mode. Factory default is C, energized in cooling. Use up and down
buttons to change between H and C.
1. Enter configuration mode (if not already there).
2. Use up and down buttons to display Option 10.
3. Press MODE button once. The SET icon will come on. The
display now shows Option 10 setting.
4. Use up and down buttons to move between available Option
10 choices of H (heat) or C (cool). Factory default is C.
5. Press MODE button again to return to Option 10. The SET
icon will now be off.
6. Use up and down buttons to select another Option, or press
FAN button to exit configuration mode.
Option 13—Room Temperature Offset
This option allows calibration (or deliberate miscalibration) of
room temperature sensor. There are various reasons why the home
owner may want to have displayed temperature adjusted to a
higher or lower value. The selected number is the number of
degrees, plus or minus, which will be added to the actual
temperature. The number can range between -5 and +5. Factory
default is 0. This adjusted value will be used as actual temperature
for both display and control action. For example, if 2 is selected,
72°F actual will read 74°F. If setpoint is 72, the room will control
to an actual value of 70 which will be displayed and acted upon as
if it were 72. The effect is that a positive number selection will
make the room temperature lower and vice versa. This thermostat
is factory calibrated within an accuracy of plus or minus 1°F, so
this adjustment will provide the best accuracy when set to 0.
1. Enter configuration mode (if not already there).
2. Use up and down buttons to display Option 13. The SET
icon should be off.
3. Press MODE button once. The SET icon will come on. The
display now shows Option 13 setting.
4. Use up and down buttons to move between available Option
13 choices of -5 through +5 in 1° steps. Factory default is
5. Press MODE button again to return to Option 13. The SET
icon will now be off.
6. Use up and down buttons to select another Option, or press
FAN button to exit configuration mode.
Option 15—Auto Mode On/Off Selection
This options allows the installer to enable or disable AUTO mode
(automatic changeover between heat and cool). When disabled,
AUTO icon does not appear when successive presses of MODE
button are used to move between OFF, HEAT, and EHEAT (in
heat pump systems). Factory default is ON (AUTO mode enabled).
1. Enter configuration mode (if not already there).
2. Use up and down buttons to display Option 15. The SET
icon should be off.
3. Press MODE button once. The SET icon will come on. The
display now shows Option 15 setting.
4. Use up and down buttons to move between available Option
15 choices of ON or OF. Factory default is ON.
5. Press MODE button again to return to Option 15. The SET
icon will now be off.
6. Use up and down buttons to select another Option, or press
FAN button to exit configuration mode.
Option 18 — Backlight Configuration
This function is only available when the thermostat is operating
from full power via R and C. It is not available when the
thermostat operates from batteries. In OF (off) mode, this function
is disabled. The thermostat backlight will normally be off. It turns
on with any button press and stays on for 10 seconds in between
button presses. In ON mode, this function is enabled. The
thermostat backlight will normally be on and dim in appearance.
The backlight becomes brighter with any button press and remains
bright for 10 seconds. Factory default is OF.
1. Enter configuration mode (if not already there).
2. Use up and down buttons to display Option 18. The SET
icon should be off.
3. Press MODE button once. The SET icon will come on. The
display now shows Option 18 setting.
4. Use up and down buttons to move between available Option
18 choices of ON or OF. Factory default is OF.
5. Press MODE button again to return to Option 18. The SET
icon will now be off.