Homeowner’s guide, Troubleshooting – Bryant Legecy Line-RNC Non-Programmable T1-NAC User Manual
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Homeowner’s Guide
Designed and Assembled
in the USA.
Legacy Line---RNC Non---Programmable Thermostat
1. To Select the Mode:
Use the H/C button to move between the choices. OFF,
HEAT, COOL, or EMHT will appear on the display. EMHT
will only appear on heat pump models.
2. To Select the Fan Operation:
Use the FAN button to move between continuous fan (in-
dicated by the FAN ON icon) and auto fan operation.
3. To Read the Room Temperature:
The large display reads room temperature until a button is
4. To Adjust the Setpoint:
In normal operation, the large display shows room temper-
ature. At the first press of the UP or DOWN button, the
large display shows the current setpoint and the SET TEMP
icon is turned on. Further presses of the UP or DOWN but-
ton adjust the setpoint upward or downward. Five seconds
after the last button press, the display returns to the room
temperature and the SET TEMP icon turns off.
What if there is a green light on in the upper
corner of the display area?
This thermostat uses a green LED to indicate auxiliary heat and
emergency heat operation on the Heat Pump model. This green
light means one of two things.
1. Auxiliary Heat is on:
This light turns on automatically when the system determ-
ines that it’s too cold outside for your heat pump to heat the
house without help. So, it’s getting help from the electric
NOTE: This indicator does not reflect a problem with your
2. Emergency Heat is on:
If the heat pump is not working properly, you can manually
select the emergency heat for extra help in heating. You’ll
know there’s a problem if the house can’t seem to get warm
when it’s cold outside.
You want to avoid using emergency heat, though, because
it’s the most expensive option. And, of course, if you sus-
pect a problem with your heat pump, call your heating and
cooling dealer immediately.