Front wheel – Baby Jogger Bicycle Accessories User Manual
Page 11

Applies to switchbAck
trAiler hybrid model only
when in stroller mode
Front Wheel Fork Legs
tip trailer back on its handle
to reveal the front fork.
slide front wheel fork legs into the closed position until they lock
into place.
Axle Flats
insert front wheel into forktips
by aligning the axle flats with the
forktip flats. secure front wheel to
frame by turning the front wheel
lever while holding the lock nut
on the opposite side. tighten until
you feel tension on lever and then
flip wheel lever over so that the
word “closed” is visible. the wheel
lever should face the rear of the
trailer to prevent it from getting
accidentally caught on something
and opening up during use.
Continue on page 10
front wheel