Barracuda backup - quick start guide, Barracuda backup – Barracuda Networks Computer Drive User Manual
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Barracuda Backup
Barracuda Backup - Quick Start Guide
Verify Connection to Barracuda Networks
The Barracuda Backup Server you have just installed, powered on, and linked,
should be listed on the left with a green status light to the right of its name. If the
status of your Barracuda Backup Server is green, please continue on to the next
step. Otherwise, please call Barracuda Networks Technical Support or consult
Step 3 to fix the network settings and connectivity for your backup server.
Configure Backup Source Devices
Follow these instructions to set up servers located on the same network as your
Barracuda Backup Server as Backup Source Devices.
1. Login at
2. Select the Backup Server on the left you want to set up.
3. Go to the Backup tab, and choose Sources.
4. Click Add Computer at the top left to add a backup source.
5. Enter the following information regarding this backup source:
Computer Description, for identification purposes only.
Computer Hostname or IP address. The values must be resolvable on
your local network.
Computer Type of the device.
The connection information requested is based on the selected Server
Type. For Windows servers: By default the Agent is enabled. Install the
free Barracuda Backup Agent software on the Windows server. To back
up network file shares, select Enable File Share Backups.
6. Click Save.
Repeat steps 6.3 through 6.6 for every server that you want to back up.
Configure Windows Data Sources (Full System, System State, File System
Data, Exchange and MS-SQL Hyper-V)
Follow these instructions in the Barracuda Backup Web interface to identify the
Data Source to be backed up by the Barracuda Backup Server using the
Barracuda Backup Agent.
1. The Barracuda Backup Agent software must be installed on the Windows
server that is configured as the Data Source Device. This software can be
found in the Software Download section under the Support tab.
2. Select the Backup Server on the left you want to set up.
3. Go to the Backup tab and choose Sources.
4. Click Add Data Source to the right of the Backup Source Device.
5. Enter a description of this Data Source to help easily identify it in your
sources list and backup reports.
6. Choose the Data Type Barracuda Agent Software.
7. You can test connectivity between the Barracuda Backup Agent installed on
your Backup Source Device and your Barracuda Backup Server using the
Test Software Connectivity button.
8. You can choose Select all items to back up the entire computer, or use
Select specific items to select individual items for backup.
9. You can optionally use SQL Server Authentication if required by your setup.
10. Click Save Changes.
Repeat this process for each Windows Data Source you want to back up.
Configure Network Addressable Storage Data Sources
Follow these instructions in the Barracuda Backup Web interface to identify the
data shares on your servers that are to be directly backed up by the Barracuda
Backup Server using standard network connection protocols.
1. Select the Backup Server on the left you want to setup.
2. Go to the Backup tab and choose Sources.
3. Click Add Data Source to the right of the Backup Source Device.
4. Enter a description of this Data Source to help you easily identify it in your
sources list and backup reports.
5. Choose data type File Share for this type of backup.
6. Enter the exact name of the Share on your server needed to access this
Data Source from devices on the local network. You can test Share
connectivity using the Test Share button to the right of this field.
7. Choose a default user access policy for the backups of this Data Source.
8. You can optionally select specific folders under the Share as your Data
Source if you do not wish to back up the entire Share.
9. Click Save Changes.
Repeat this process for each data share that you want to add as a Data Source.
Add Backup Schedules
Follow these instructions in the Barracuda Backup Web interface to establish
your Backup Schedules.
1. Select the Backup Server on the left you want to set up.
2. Go to the Backup tab and choose Schedules.
3. Click Add a Schedule at the top left of the page.
4. Enter a descriptive schedule name for your future reference. The schedule
name is a short description of when this schedule is to run.
5. Check each day you want this backup schedule to run.
6. Indicate the time when you would like a backup to run on the days you have
selected above. Optionally, you can repeat the backup process at intervals
throughout the day to achieve continuous protection.
Note: Your initial backup takes some time to complete; you can view backup status
in the BACKUP > Reports page of your Barracuda Backup Service.
Contact and Copyright Information
Barracuda Networks, Inc. 3175 S. Winchester Blvd., Campbell, CA 95008 USA
phone: 408.342.5400
fax: 408.342.1061
Copyright 2004-2012
Barracuda Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this product and this manual is subject to license. Information in this document is
subject to change without notice. Barracuda Backup Service is a trademark of Barracuda Networks, Inc. All other brand and product names mentioned in this
document are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. v4.3 120306-05-0917sk