Appendix b – Baldor MN770 User Manual
Page 48

Appendix B
Appendix B-1
Serial Communications
Baldor’s Series 15H and 21H Inverters, 20H DC SCR or 18H and 22H Vector controls
may be monitored or operated remotely by a modem an a Serial Communication
expansion board on the control. By using either the EXB001A01 or EXB002A01 Serial
Communications boards for RS-232 communications, the control parameters and
diagnostic menus may be viewed and parameter values changed from a remote
Note: Operating the Baldor control from a remote location is only possible if the the
Level 1 Input block, Operation Mode parameter is changed to Serial. Refer to
MN1310 for more details on Serial Communication and serial operation of
Baldor controls.
WARNING: Use extreme care when in the Remote mode. You can gain
complete control of the Series H control and motor operation from
any phone line available. You can initiate an operation that could
be hazardous to personnel or equipment from a remote location.
Baldor assumes no liability for use, installation or application of the
information contained in this document.
WARNING: Using the elevator with the control in the Serial operating mode
should only be done when the elevator is not occupied and an
authorized and competent elevator operator is next to the control to
take over manually if necessary. When Serial communications is
finished, the serial communications equipment should be
disconnected and operation should be returned to the elevator
Figure B-1 shows the overall concept of Serial Communications for operating a control
from a remote location. Refer to MN1310 Serial Communications for more information
regarding this operating mode.
Figure B-1 Remote Communications
RS232 Cable
RS232 Cable
Modem, US Robotics
Modem, any 14,400 or
28,800BPS External.
28,800BPS modem.
Laptop or
Other Computer