Disclaimers, 3d information – Toshiba YL985 User Manual

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• The 3D function has been designed for private use and

entertainment in your home environment.
Please note that any commercial use of the 3D function
could lead to copyright infringement of authors’ rights.
Toshiba asks you to respect the intellectual property
rights of third parties.

About handling the 3D glasses

• Do not leave the 3D glasses or the accessories within the

reach of small children.
Inhaling or swallowing them may cause suffocation or
lesions in the stomach wall.
If swallowed, consult a doctor immediately.

• Do not repair, modify, or disassemble the 3D glasses by


Doing so may cause you to become indisposed while
viewing 3D images.

• Do not expose the glasses to excessive heat such as

sunshine, fire, or the like.

About the 3D glasses

• Do not use the 3D glasses if they are not working

properly or broken.
Continuing to use them in such a state may cause injury, eye
strain, or indisposition.
Do not use the 3D glasses if they are broken or have any

• Do not stand or walk while wearing 3D glasses.

You may lose your balance which could result in falls or
other accidents.

• Do not wear the 3D glasses for any purpose other than

viewing 3D programming.
3D glasses do not function as sunglasses.

• Do not drop, exert pressure on, or step on the 3D

Doing so may damage the glass section, which may result in
Exposing the 3D glasses to liquid or excessive heat may
damage the function.

• If your nose or temple turns red, or you feel pain or

discomfort, stop using the 3D glasses.
Such symptoms as above may occur if you keep wearing
them for a long time, which may also cause indisposition.

Cautions on watching 3D images

• Some viewers may experience a seizure or blackout

when exposed to certain flashing images or lights
contained in certain 3D television pictures or video
Anyone who has had a seizure, loss of awareness, or other
symptoms linked to an epileptic condition, or has a family
history of epilepsy, should contact a health care provider
before using the 3D function.

• Avoid use of the 3D function when under the influence

of alcohol.

• If you are ill or feel ill, you should refrain from viewing

3D images, and consult your health care provider as
may be appropriate.

• If you experience any of the following symptoms when

viewing 3D video images, stop viewing and contact
your health care provider:
Convulsions, eye or muscle twitching, loss of awareness,
altered vision, involuntary movements, disorientation, eye
strain, nausea/vomiting, dizziness, headaches.

• If you feel eye fatigue or other discomfort from viewing

3D video images, remove the 3D glasses and
discontinue use until the condition is eliminated.

• Viewing in 3D may cause dizziness and/or

disorientation for some viewers.
Therefore, to avoid injury do not place your TV near open
stairwells, balconies, or wires.
Also do not sit near objects that could be broken if
accidentally hit.

• When viewing 3D images, always wear 3D glasses.

Watching 3D images without 3D glasses may cause eye
Use specified 3D glasses.

• Do not wear 3D glasses or watch 3D images from steep

angles or while lying down.

The 3D effect is lost in these conditions and eye strain may

• Use the 3D glasses at the proper viewing angle and


• It is recommended that the viewer’s eyes and 3D glasses

are level with the screen.

• If you have prescription eye glasses or contact lenses,

wear the 3D glasses over them.
Watching 3D images without appropriate eyewear may
cause eye strain.

• If 3D images often appear in double or if you cannot see

the images in 3D, stop viewing.
Continuous viewing may cause eye strain.

• Due to the possible impact on vision development,

viewers of 3D programming should be age 6 or above.
Children may be more susceptible to health effects from
viewing 3D images and should be closely supervised.

3D information