10 english – Pioneer AVIC-S1 User Manual
Page 10

particular purpose. Therefor End User acknowledges that Pioneer, Tele Atlas and
its licensors including but not limited to Ordnance Survey of Great Britain and
Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland make no warranty and give no representation
that the Tele Atlas MultiNet™ data of Great Britain is complete, accurate and/or up
to date and it is an essential condition of the EULA that End User accepts the Tele
Atlas MultiNet™ data of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on that basis.
Pioneer, Tele Atlas and its licensors including but not limited to Ordnance Survey
of Great Britain and Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland shall not be liable for any
damages arising out of the use of the data.
End User agrees to be liable to Pioneer, Tele Atlas and its licensors including but
not limited to Ordnance Survey of Great Britain and Ordnance Survey of Northern
Ireland in the event of discovery of breach of these contractual terms.
Other terms of use:
The removal or obscuring of any copyright, trademark or restrictive legend
belonging to Pioneer, Tele Atlas and its licensors including but not limited to
Ordnance Survey of Great Britain and Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland is
End User is prohibited from using the Tele Atlas MultiNet™ data of Great Britain
in any printed, published form that results in derivative products to be distributed
freely or sold to the public without the prior permission of Ordnance Survey.
End User indemnifies Pioneer, Tele Atlas and its licensors including but not limited
to Ordnance Survey of Great Britain and Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland
from and against all claims, demands or actions, irrespective of the nature of the
cause of the claim, demand or action alleging loss, costs, expenses, damages or
injuries (including death resulting from injuries) arising out of the use of the Tele
Atlas MultiNet™ data of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Applicable copyrights
Data Source © 2005 Tele Atlas
© BEV, GZ 1368/2003
© IGN France Michelin data © Michelin 2005
© Geonext/DeAgostini
© Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland
© Norwegian Mapping Authority, Public Roads Administration / © Mapsolutions
© Swisstopo
Topografische ondergrond Copyright © dienst voor het kadaster en de openbare
registers, Apeldoorn 2005
This product includes mapping data licenced from Ordnance Survey with the
permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. © Crown copyright
and/or database right 2005. All rights reserved. Licence number 100026920
10 English