Zip source notice 12, Licence agreement – Pioneer CNSD-150FM User Manual
Page 12

Each version is given a distinguishing version
number. If the Library as you received it speci-
fies that a certain numbered version of the
GNU Lesser General Public License
“or any
later version
” applies to it, you have the option
of following the terms and conditions either of
that published version or of any later version
published by the Free Software Foundation. If
the Library as you received it does not specify
a version number of the GNU Lesser General
Public License, you may choose any version of
the GNU Lesser General Public License ever
published by the Free Software Foundation.
If the Library as you received it specifies that a
proxy can decide whether future versions of
the GNU Lesser General Public License shall
apply, that proxy
’s public statement of accep-
tance of any version is permanent authoriza-
tion for you to choose that version for the
7-Zip Source Notice
The software program used in this product
contains 7-Zip library. 7-Zip contains the soft-
ware granted permission for the usage under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Li-
cense. A copy of appropriate source code is
available at customer necessary expense for
the distribution.
Please contact our Customer Support Center
to obtain a copy. For more information on the
GNU Lesser General Public License, visit the
’s website at
Licence Agreement