1 • s, Ection, Afety – Baja Marine Outlaw 30 User Manual
Page 25

30 Outlaw
1 • S
20. n
Abeam – object 90 degrees (
) to center line on either side
of boat.
Abaft – a point on a boat that is aft of another.
Aft - toward the rear or stern of the boat.
Beam - the maximum width of a boat.
Bilge - the lowest part of the hull on the inside where fluids
Bow - the forward part of a boat.
Bow Eye - bolt with looped head mounted on extreme forward
part of bow, used for towing or tying up boat.
Bulkhead - vertical partition in a boat
Chine - meeting juncture of side and bottom of boat.
Chock - deck fitting, used as a guide for mooring or anchor
lines. also, a wedge to stop wheels from rolling.
Cleat - deck fitting with arms or horns to which lines are tied
or made fast.
Cockpit - the open space from which a boat is operated.
Deck - upper structure which covers the hull between
Downwind - in the direction the wind is blowing toward
Draft – depth of water required to float boat and its propulsion
Fathom - six feet.
Fenders - rope or plastic pieces hung over the side to protect
the hull from chafing against a dock or another boat.
Freeboard - height of exposed hull from water line to deck.
Ground tackle - general term referring to anchors, anchor
lines, etc.
Gunwale (pronounced gun'l) - where the hull and deck come
together; the "sides" of the boat in the cockpit area.
Hatch - an opening in the deck to provide access below.
Head - toilet or toilet area in a boat.
Headroom - vertical distance between the deck and cabin or
canopy top.
Helm - steering and controls console.
Hull - the lower part of a boat beneath the deck and cockpit
that provides buoyancy to float the weight of the craft and its
Keel - the major longitudinal member of a hull; the lowest
external portion of a boat.
Knot - unit of speed in nautical miles per hour.
Lee - the side that is sheltered from the wind.
PFD - Personal flotation Device; life jacket or preserver.
Port - term designating left side of the boat when facing
Rudder - Movable fixture at the stern used for steering.
Scupper - hole permitting water to drain overboard from deck
or cockpit.
Sheer - curve or sweep of the deck as viewed from the side.
Snub - to check or tighten a line suddenly.
Starboard - term designating right side of the boat.
Stern - the rear (aft) end of a boat.
Stern drive - outboard unit of an inboard/outboard (I/O) engine
Stringer - longitudinal members fastened inside the hull for
additional structural strength.
Transom - the rear part of the boat across the back, to which
the drive unit and swim platform are attached.
Upwind - in the direction the wind is blowing from.
Wake - disturbed water that a boat leaves behind as a result
of forward motion.
Windward - toward the direction from which the wind is