General functions and controls (cont.), B. lcd display (figure 6) – American Audio PRO DJ 3 User Manual
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pitch on one disc, remove that disc and insert
another, that disc too will have a +2% pitch
adjustment. The amount of pitch being applied
will be displayed on the LCD (21). By changing
the pitch of one disc with respect to the other in
this way, the beats can be matched. Use this
function to match the BPM’s with the other play-
ing music source.
19. PITCH BUTTON - This button is used to turn
the PITCH SLIDER(18) function on and off. The
PITCH SLIDER’S (18) pitch percentage value
can be changed from (+/- 8%), (+/- 12%) or (+/-
16%). The PITCH BUTTON’s LED will indicate
the maximum pitch value by flashing red for 8%,
glowing green for 12%, or glowing red for 16%.
20. (-) PITCH BEND BUTTON - The (-) pitch
bend function creates a momentary “Slow Down”
in the CD’s BPM’s (Beats per minute) while it is
playing. This will allow you to match the beats
between two playing CD’s or other playing music
source. Remember, this is a momentary function.
When you remove your finger from the pitch but-
ton, the BPM’s will automatically return to PITCH
SLIDERS (18) pitch value. Holding down this
button will give a maximum of +16% pitch. Use
this function to slow to another playing music
source. Be sure to notice that this function is a
momentary pitch adjustment, for a more precise
adjustment use the PITCH SLIDER (18) to match
the BPM’s with another playing music source.
21. LCD DISPLAY - This high quality LCD dis-
play Indicates all the functions, as they are occur-
ring. This display is viewable at several comfort-
able angles. The display ICONS will be explained
in the next section.
22. PITCH % BUTTON - This button will change
the pitch percentage the PITCH SLIDER (18) will
react to. The pitch percentage can be changed
between 8%, 12%, and 16%. 8% will allow the
least amount of pitch manipulation and 16% will
allow the most amount of pitch manipulation. To
adjust to the different values tap this button. The
LED above the pitch button (19) will indicate
which pitch percentage mode you are in, flashing
red for 8%, glowing green for 12%, or glowing red
for 16%. Note, the pitch button has to be turned on
to get a LED reading.
23. TRANSPORT TRAY - This is the tray that is
used to load and unload your CD’s in the player.
This tray is open and closed by tapping on the
OPEN/CLOSE BUTTON (4). Never attempt to
force the transport tray open or closed when the
power is turned off.
24. POWER CONNECTOR - This connection is
used to connect your main power. Be sure that
your local power matches the unit’s required
25. POWER SWITCH - This switch is used to turn
your unit’s power on and off.
26. VOLTAGE SELECTOR - Because power sup-
plies vary from location to location we have incor-
porated a power voltage switch. This switch can
select a voltage input of 115V or 230V. Always dis-
connect the power plug before changing the volt-
27. CONTROL - Connect the supplied mini-plug
from CONTROL jack on the rear of your unit to a
compatible American DJ mixer’s CONTROL out.
This feature is available on all American DJ’s “Q”
series mixers.
28. DIGITAL OUT - Use this connection to create
near perfect copies of your disc to a Mini disc, CD-
R, or any other recording device with a digital
29. AUDIO OUT R & L - Audio Out signals.
Connect RCA cable from AUDIO OUT to a mixer
30. PLAY INDICATOR - This indicator will glow
indicating that your CD Drive is in play mode
31. PAUSE INDICATOR - This indicator will glow
indicating that the CD Drive is in PAUSE or CUE
32. CUE INDICATOR - This indicator will glow
when the unit is in CUE or mode and will flash
every time a new CUE POINT is recorded in to
American DJ