Ashly RD-8C User Manual
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24.24M before the remote can be connected. The 24.24M will re-
member the last level settings that were sent from the remote after it
is disconnected, UNTIL the 24.24M is powered down. For example,
if the remote sent mute messages, the muted 24.24M channels will
remain muted after the remote is disconnected. If the 24.24M is power
cycled with the remote disconnected, the 24.24M levels affected by
the RD-8C fader assignments will return to the original settings they
started at before the remote was introduced.
Within Protea System Software, select <24.24M Matrix Pro-
cessor> under the device menu, then select ments> under the options menu. The resulting pop-up box allows complete custom assignment of 24.24M inputs or outputs to any RD/ RW-8C fader channel. Note: On newer 24.24M units which show an illustration of WR-5 wiring on the back
panel, it is not necessary to wire pin 2 and pin 5 together at the 24.24M data connector.