Special cases, Environment variables for the firmware – Agilent Technologies DC152 User Manual
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make clean to remove all *.o files in AcqirisLinux/linuxdriverpci.
make to generate a new kernel mode driver acqrsPCI.o and also copy it to the directory
AcqirisLinux/lib/modules where the install script (drv_install) can access it.
drv_install rem to remove the previous installed kernel mode driver.
drv_install add to install the new driver.
To compile a new kernel under linux-2.6, issue the following commands:
cd linux2.6driverpci
make clean all to generate a new kernel mode driver acqrsPCI.ko from scratch.
make install to copy the kernel module where it should reside.
Note that this version of the loadable kernel module had been tested on Linux kernel versions up to 2.6.18. However,
starting with kernel 2.6.17, a few kernel functions relating to the device classes are no longer available to proprietary
modules. Thus automatic creation of the /dev/acqrsPCI node has to be done manually in the /etc/rc.local file.
For Debian users, in order to compile the kernel module on a system, a few packages that match the current kernel-
image must be installed. For instance, on a Debian 3.1 sarge system 686 the required packages are:
2.3.2. Special cases
If you are running a Linux distribution that doesn’t use the standard paths for the load scripts, you can load the driver
with the command
cd AcqirisLinux
./drv-install load
Copy the driver to the module directory as follows:
cp lib/modules/acqrsPCI.o[.n] /lib/modules/{kv}/ACQIRIS/acqrsPCI.o
where [.n] is the optional designation of the desired version of the acqrsPCI driver as given above and {kv} is the
appropriate system kernel version (obtained with uname -r, i.e. 2.4.20).
Then add the following command to /etc/rc.local.
/sbin/insmod –f /lib/modules//{kv}/ACQIRIS/acqrsPCI.o
For systems using udev (the dynamic /dev/ hierarchy) it may be convenient to automatically create the /dev/acqrsPCI
node at boot. To do this, add the following command to the /etc/rc.local file:
/sbin/mknod -m 666 /dev/acqrsPCI c 124 0
2.3.3. Environment variables for the Firmware
Automatic loading of the firmware needed by 12-bit, analyzer, and averager modules relies on the environment
variable AcqirisDxDir pointing to the directory containing the file AqDrv4.ini which in turn points to the directory
containing the Firmware .bit files. Therefore, assuming that your Firmware is in /usr/local/AcqirisLinux/Firmware
and that AqDrv4.ini is in /usr/local/AcqirisLinux/demo then you must edit AqDrv4.ini so that it contains the line
Then, if your shell is csh or tcsh modify the /etc/csh.login file to contain the line
setenv AcqirisDxDir /usr/local/AcqirisLinux/demo
or, if your shell is bash, ksh, zsh or sh, modify the /etc/profile file to contain the lines
export AcqirisDxDir
User Manual: Family of 10-bit Digitizers
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