Example of antenna grounding – Lenovo Beacon User Manual

Page 18

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Safety and warranty guide

grounding and, in particular, specifies that the cable ground shall be connected
to the grounding system of the building, as close as possible to the point of cable
entry as practical.

Example of antenna grounding

Ground clamp

Power service grounding
electrode system (NEC Article
250, Part H)

Antenna lead-in wire

Ground clamps

Antenna discharge unit
(NEC Section 810-20)

Electronic service equipment

Grounding conductors
(NEC Section 810-21)

Figure 1. Proper grounding for the cable

Special note for users in Norway:

“Utstyr som er koplet til beskyttelsesjord via nettplugg og/eller via annet jordtilkoplet
utstyr – og er tilkoplet et kabel-TV nett, kan forårsake brannfare. For å unngå dette
skal det ved tilkopling av utstyret til kabel-TV nettet installeres en galvanisk isolator
mellom utstyret og kabel- TV nettet.”