Notice for users in india, Notice for users in malaysia, Notice for users in korea – Lenovo IdeaCentre A520 All-in-One User Manual

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Lenovo Regulatory Notice

Notice for users in India

For model: RTL8188CUS


For model: RTL8723AS


For model: BCM92070 MD_REF


Notice for users in Malaysia

For model: RTL8188CUS

Complies with SIRIM
Registration number: SQASI/TA/11/2207

For model: RTL8723AS

Complies with SIRIM
Registration number: SQASI/TA/11/1229

For model: BCM92070 MD_REF

Complies with SIRIM
Registration number: SQASI/TA/12/0855

Notice for users in Korea

For model: RTL8188CUS, RTL8723AS and BCM92070 MD_REF

Please note that this device has been certified for residential use and
may be used in any environment.

당해 무선설비는 운용중 전파혼신 가능성이 있음 .

(It means that this wireless devise may cause radio wave interference
during operation)

해당 무선설비가 전파혼신 가능성이 있으므로 인명안전과 관련된

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