American Standard UV05 User Manual
Microtech ii, Unit ventilator controls, For aaf

© 2006 McQuay International
DX Cooling Only-
Software Model UV05
Used with AAF-HermanNelson Classroom Unit Ventilator
Model AVV - Floor Mounted
Model AHV - Ceiling Mounted
Model AZV, AZU - Floor Mounted Self Contained Air Conditioner
MicroTech II
Unit Ventilator Controls
for AAF
Classroom Unit Ventilators
Operation Maintenance Manual
OM 751
Group: Applied Systems
Part Number: OM 751
Date: November 2006
Before unit commissioning, please read this publication in its entirety.
Develop a thorough understanding before starting the commissioning procedure.
This manual is to be used by the commissioner as a guide. Each installation is unique, only general topics are covered.
The order in which topics are covered may not be those required for the actual commissioning.
Document Outline
- Introduction
- Getting Started
- Description of Operation
- State Programming
- UVC Unit Modes
- Unit Mode Priority
- Occupancy Modes
- Additional Occupancy Features
- Space Temperature Set Points
- Networked Set Point Capability
- Networked Set Point Offset Capability
- Networked Set Point Shift Capability
- Networked Space Temperature Sensor Capability
- Remote Wall-Mounted Sensor with +/-3˚F Adjustment (optional)
- Remote Wall-Mounted Sensor with 55˚F to 85˚F Adjustment (optional)
- Effective Set Point Calculations
- Proportional Integral (PI) Control Loops
- PI Control Parameters
- Indoor Air Fan Operation
- Outdoor Air Damper Operation
- Compressor Operation
- Floating-Point Actuator Auto-Zero, Overdrive and Sync
- External Binary Inputs
- External Binary Outputs
- UVC Input and Output Table
- Diagnostics and Service
- Alarm and Fault Monitoring
- Space Temp Sensor Failure (F0)
- DX Pressure Fault (F1)
- Compressor Envelope Fault (F2)
- Discharge Air DX Cooling Low Limit Indication (F3)
- Condensate Overflow Indication (optional) (F4)
- Space Coil DX Temp Sensor Failure (F5)
- Outdoor Temp Sensor Failure (F6)
- Discharge Air Temp Sensor Failure (F7)
- Outdoor Coil DX Temp Sensor Failure (F8)
- Space Humidity Sensor Failure (optional) (FA)
- Outdoor Humidity Sensor Failure (optional) (Fb)
- Space CO2 Sensor Failure (optional) (FC)
- Change Filter Indication (FF)
- EPROM Memory Indicator (EE)
- Configuration Display (--)
- Troubleshooting Temperature Sensors
- Troubleshooting Humidity Sensors
- Troubleshooting Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Sensors
- Alarm and Fault Monitoring
- UVC Configuration Parameters