Configuration tab, Ug-015 evaluation board user guide – Analog Devices ADXL345 User Manual

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Evaluation Board User Guide

Rev. 0 | Page 6 of 12



When the system is set up and configured, press SW2, which
is shown in Figure 9, to reset the ISEB and have it detect the
currently connected satellite. This must be done when the
satellite connected to the ISEB is replaced by a satellite of a
different part only; replacing the satellite with a satellite for
the same part, that is, an EVAL-ADXL345Z-S with another
EVAL-ADXL345Z-S, does not require SW2 to be pressed.

The inertial sensor evaluation system GUI is opened by executing
the ADXL345 Evaluation GUI.exe file located in the /ADXL345
Evaluation GUI

/ folder. To exit the GUI, use the Stop VI button to

disconnect from the ISEB. Then exit the application by selecting

and Exit or by pressing Ctrl+Q.

The first screen brought up is the Configuration tab (see Figure 10).
This screen is used for manual configuration of the sensor, for
setting up the communication port between the PC and ISEB,
and for setting the sensor voltage values. Configuration register
values can be saved and reloaded.

It is important to note that the register settings entered on this
screen are independent from other GUI screens. Each screen
requires a different register setup, and any values that can be
altered are made available for that particular screen.

With the Configuration tab open, select the correct COM port
for the ISEB from the VISA Resource Name menu (see Figure 10).
The correct COM port can be found by checking the Device

for the ADI Inertial Sensor Evaluation System under

the Ports (COM & LPT) selection.






Figure 10. Selecting the Correct COM Port for the ISEB

After selecting the COM port, click on Connect to connect to
the ISEB. This causes the indicator under Vs Set to light up and
update the Current Vs [V] value, verifying that the board is
connected (see Figure 11).






Figure 11. ISEB Connected to PC

Clicking the round button above Vs Set causes the supply
voltage, V


, of the ADXL345 to be updated based on the value

in the Desired Vs [V] box. The Current [μA] and Temp [degC]
boxes are also updated whenever the Vs Set button is clicked.

Read the contents of the ADXL345 registers by clicking the
Read All Registers

button in the Register Write box. This

action updates all register values and indicators on the right side
of the screen. Figure 11 depicts a sensor that is powered on with a
DevID of 0xE5, a BW/RATE value of 0x0A, and an INT_SOURCE
value of 0x02. All other registers remain in their default state of 0x00.

To write a value to a register, select the register from the Target

menu and click the D7 through D0 indicators to set the

value. If an indicator is lit, the value written to that bit is a Logic
1, whereas an unlit indicator indicates a Logic 0. When the register
is configured correctly, click the Write Register button to send the
value to the ADXL345. Note that the D7 through D0 indicators
under Target Register are not updated based on the value stored in
that register.

To save a configuration, click the Save Config button in the
Configuration File

box (see Figure 11). Save the file with a

.txt extension. After a configuration is saved, you can load the
configuration back into the device by clicking the Load Config
button and selecting the configuration file.