Chapter 2 – MSI Z77 MPOWER User Manual
Page 65

Chapter 2
Spectrum for EMI reducton.
The greater the Spread Spectrum value s, the greater the EMI s reduced, and the
system wll become less stable. For the most sutable Spread Spectrum value, please
consult your local EMI regulaton.
Remember to dsable Spread Spectrum f you are overclockng because even a slght
jtter can ntroduce a temporary boost n clock speed whch may just cause your
overclocked processor to lock up.
Hybrd Dgtal Power
CPU Core Vdroop Offset Control
Ths tem s used to select the CPU core Vdroop offset control mode.
GPU Vdroop Offset Control
Ths tem s used to select the GPU Vdroop offset control mode.
Dgtal Compensaton Level
Ths tem s used to select the current compensaton speed when the MOS phases
be changed. For overclockng or full-loadng of system, t s recommended ths field
set to [hgh]. Please note that overclockng behavor and stablty s not guaranteed.
CPU Core OCP Expander
Ths tem s used to expand the lmtaton of CPU core OCP (Over Current Protec-
ton). The hgher expandng value ndcates less CPU protecton. So please adjust
the CPU voltage carefully f needed.
GPU OCP Expander
Ths tem s used to expand the lmtaton of GPU OCP (Over Current Protecton).
The hgher expandng value ndcates less GPU protecton. So please adjust the
GPU voltage carefully f needed.
CPU Core Swtchng Frequency
Ths tem allows you to specfic the CPU core swtchng frequency.
GPU Swtchng Frequency
Ths tem allows you to specfic the GPU swtchng frequency.
CPU Core Voltage/ CPU I/O Voltage/ DRAM Voltage/ GPU Voltage/ System Agent
These tems are used to adjust the voltage of CPU, Memory, GPU and chpset.
Current CPU Core/ CPU I/O/ DRAM/ GPU Voltage
These tems show current CPU/ DRAM/ GPU voltage. Read-only.
Overclockng Profiles
Overclockng Profile 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6
Set Name for Overclockng Profile 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6
Gve a name by typng n ths tem.