MSI 890GXM-G65 User Manual

Page 84

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Realtek Audo


Short for Sony/Phlps Dgtal Interface, a standard audo file transfer format. S/PDIF al-

lows the transfer of dgtal audo sgnals from one devce to another wthout havng to be

converted first to an analog format. Mantanng the vablty of a dgtal sgnal prevents

the qualty of the sgnal from degradng when t s converted to analog.

Output Samplng Rate

44.1KHz: Ths s recommend whle playng CD.

48KHz: Ths s recommended whle playng DVD or Dolby.

96KHz: Ths s recommended whle playng DVD-Audo.

192KHz: Ths s recommended whle playng Hgh qualty Audo.

Output Source

Output dgtal audo source: The dgtal audo format (such as .wav, .mp3,.md etc) wll

come out through S/PDIF-Out.

S/PDIF-n to S/PDIF -out pass though mode: The data from S/PDIF-In can be real-tme

played from S/PDIF-Out.