Chapter 3, Important – MSI A75A-G35 Manual User Manual

Page 49

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BIOS Setup


Chapter 3


BIOS Setup


Chapter 3


The row cycle tme determnes the mnmum number of clock cycles a memory row

takes to complete a full cycle, from row actvaton up to the prechargng of the actve



Mnmum tme nterval between end of wrte data burst and the start of a precharge

command. Allows sense amplfiers to restore data to cells.


Specfies the actve-to-actve delay of dfferent banks.


Mnmum tme nterval between the end of wrte data burst and the start of a column-

read command. It allows I/O gatng to overdrve sense amplfiers before read

command starts.

tRFC0/ 1

These settngs determne the tme RFC0/1 takes to read from and wrte to a memory


Advanced Channel 1/ 2 Tmng Configuraton

Press to enter the sub-menu. And you can set the advanced memory tmng

for each channel.


These tems s used to set the memory tmngs for memory channel 1/ 2.

Bank Interleavng

Bank Interleavng s an mportant parameter for mprovng overclockng capablty of

memory. It allows system to access multple banks smultaneously.

NB Voltage/ DRAM Voltage/ SB Voltage

These tems are used to adjust the voltage of NB, memory and SB.

Spread Spectrum

Ths functon reduces the EMI (Electromagnetc Interference) generated by modulatng

clock generator pulses.


If you do not have any EMI problem, leave the settng at [Dsabled] for optmal system

stablty and performance. But f you are plagued by EMI, select the value of Spread

Spectrum for EMI reducton.
The greater the Spread Spectrum value s, the greater the EMI s reduced, and the

system wll become less stable. For the most sutable Spread Spectrum value, please

consult your local EMI regulaton.
Remember to dsable Spread Spectrum f you are overclockng because even a slght

jtter can ntroduce a temporary boost n clock speed whch may just cause your

overclocked processor to lock up.