Power management setup, Power management setup -12, Important – MSI H55M-E33 User Manual
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BIOS Setup
BIOS Setup
S3-related functons descrbed n ths secton are avalable only when the BIOS sup-
ports S3 sleep mode.
ACPI Functon
Ths tem s to actvate the ACPI (Advanced Configuraton and Power Management
Interface) Functon. If your operatng system s ACPI-aware, such as Wndows 98SE/
2000/ ME/ XP, select [Enabled].
ACPI Standby State
Ths tem specfies the power savng modes for ACPI functon. If your operatng system
supports ACPI, such as Wndows 2000/ XP, you can choose to enter the Standby mode
n S1(POS) or S3(STR) fashon through the settng of ths field. Settngs are:
The S1 sleep mode s a low power state. In ths state, no system
context s lost (CPU or chpset) and hardware mantans all sys-
tem’s context.
The S3 sleep mode s a lower power state where the n formaton of
system configuraton and open applcatons/files s saved to man
memory that remans powered whle most other hardware compo-
nents turn off to save energy. The nformaton stored n memory wll
be used to restore the system when a “wake up” event occurs.
ErP 2013
Ths tem s used to reduce the power consumpton n ACPI S5 state.