MSI H67A-G43 (B3) User Manual

Page 46

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BIOS Setup

Intel Vrtualzaton Tech

Ths tem s used to enable/dsable the Intel Vrtualzaton technology. For further

nformaton please refer to Intel’s offical webste.

Intel VT-D Tech

Ths tem s used to enable/dsable the Intel VT-D technology. For further nformaton

please refer to Intel’s offical webste.

Power Technology

Ths tem allows you to select the Intel Dynamc Power technology mode.

C1E Support

Enable ths tem to reduce the CPU power consumpton whle dle. Not all processors

support Enhanced Halt state (C1E).

OverSpeed Protecton

Overspeed Protecton functon can montor the current CPU draws as well as ts

power consumpton. If t exceeds a certan level, the processor automatcally reduces

ts clock speed. If you want to overclock your CPU, set t to [Dsabled].

Intel C-State

C-state s a power management state that sgnficantly reduces the power of the

processor durng dle. Ths field wll appear after you nstalled the CPU whch sup-

ports c-state technology.

Package C State lmt

Ths field allows you to select a C-state mode.

Long duraton power lmt(W)

Ths field allows you to adjust the TDP power lmt for the long duraton.

Long duraton mantaned(ms)

Ths field allows you to adjust the mantanng tme for long duraton power lmt.

Short duraton power lmt(W)

Ths field allows you to adjust the TDP power lmt for the short duraton.

Prmary/ Secondary plane turbo power lmt (W)

These fields allow you to adjust the TDP lmt for the prmary/ secondary plane tur-


1/2/3/4-Core Rato Lmt

These fields show the 1/2/3/4 core rato lmt of CPU.