Bios configuration, Append x b, Append x b bios configuraton – MSI P67A-G43 (B3) User Manual

Page 69

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Intel RAID



x B


Intel RAID



x B

BIOS Configuraton

The Intel Matrx Storage Manager Opton ROM should be ntegrated wth the system

BIOS on all motherboards wth a supported Intel chpset. The Intel Matrx Storage Man-

ager Opton ROM s the Intel RAID mplementaton and provdes BIOS and DOS dsk

servces. Please use + keys to enter the “Intel


RAID for Seral ATA” status

screen, whch should appear early n system boot-up, durng the POST (Power-On Self

Test). Also, you need to enable the RAID functon n BIOS to create, delete and reset

RAID volumes.

Usng the Intel Matrx Storage Manager Opton ROM

Creatng, Deletng and Resettng RAID Volumes:

The Seral ATA RAID volume may be configured usng the RAID Configuraton utlty

stored wthn the Intel RAID Opton ROM. Durng the Power-On Self Test (POST), the

followng message wll appear for a few seconds:


The “Devce Model”, “Seral #” and “Sze” n the followng example mght be dfferent

from your system.

After the above message shows, press and keys smultaneously to enter the

RAID Configuraton Utlty.


The followng procedure s only avalable wth a newly-bult system or f you are renstall-

ng your OS. It should not be used to mgrate an exstng system to RAID.