Important – MSI P67A-GD80 (B3) Manual User Manual
Page 60

BIOS Setup
When you select the Admnstrator Password / User Password tem, a password box wll
appear on the screen. Type the password, and press
wll replace any prevously set password from CMOS memory. You wll be prompted to
confirm the password. Retype the password and press
To clear a set password, just press
word. A message wll show up confirmng the password wll be dsabled. Once the
password s dsabled, the system wll boot and you can enter Setup/ OS wthout enter-
ng any password.
These two tems prevent an unauthorzed person from changng any part of your system
Ths tem s used to enable/ dsable USB drve as a key.
Make U-Key at
When the “U-Key” as sets to [Enabled], ths tem s selectable. Ths tem allows you to
specfy the USB drve.
Chasss Intruson Configuraton
Chasss Intruson
Ths tem enables or dsables the feature of recordng the chasss ntruson status
and ssung a warnng message f the chasss s once opened. To clear the warnng
message, set the field to [Reset]. The settng of the field wll automatcally return to
[Enabled] later.
Mult BIOS Auto Update
When “Enabled”, and the prmary BIOS has faled, the system wll allow the secondary
BIOS to reflash the prmary BIOS for bootng successfully, and the screen wll show the
progress message as below.
Mult BIOS auto update startng.
Flashng... XX%
Do not press any buttons to shutdown or restart the computer durng the BIOS flashng