MSI RS480M2 User Manual

Page 10

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Getting Started

USB Interface
† 8 USB ports

- 4 ports in the rear I/O, 4 ports via the external bracket

† Realtek


8100C 10/100 LAN chip

- Integrated Fast Ethernet MAC and PHY in one chip
- Supports 10Mb/s and 100Mb/s
- Compliance with PCI v2.2
- Supports ACPI Power Management

IEEE 1394 (Optional)


6307 IEEE 1394 controller

- Supports up to two 1394 ports (rear panel x 1, pinheader x 1).
- Transfer rate is up to 400Mbps

† RealTek ALC658C 6-channel software audio codec

- Compliance with AC97 v2.3 Spec.
- Meets PC2001 audio performance requirement.

On-Board Peripherals
† On-Board Peripherals include:

- 1 floppy port supports 1 FDD with 360K, 720K, 1.2M, 1.44M and 2.88Mbytes
- 1 serial port (optional)
- 1 VGA port (only for RS480)
- 1 composite TV-Out connector (only for RS480)
- 1 S-Video connector (only for RS480)
- 1 SPDIF-Out connector
- 1 parallel port supporting SPP/EPP/ECP mode

MSI Reminds You...
1. Please note that users cannot install OS, either WinME or Win98,

in their SATA hard drives. Under these two OSs, SATA can only be
used as an ordinary storage device.

2. To create a bootable RAID volume for a Windows 2000 environment,


’s Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) is required. As

the end user cannot boot without SP4, a combination installation
CD must be created before attempting to install the operating sys-
tem onto the bootable RAID volume.
To create the combination installation CD, please refer to the fol-
lowing website:

h t t p : / / w w w . m i c r o s o f t . c o m / w i n d o w s 2 0 0 0 / d o w n l o a d s /
