Cpu installation procedures for socket 754 – MSI RS480M User Manual
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MS-7145 M-ATX Mainboard
CPU Installation Procedures for Socket 754
1. Please turn off the power and
unplug the power cord before
installing the CPU.
2. Pull the lever s ideways away
from the socket. Make sure to
raise the lever up to a 90-de-
gree angle.
3. Look for the gold arrow of the
CPU. The gold arrow should point
as shown in the picture. The CPU
c an on l y f i t i n t h e c or r ec t
4. If the CPU is correctly installed,
the pins should be completely
embedded into the socket and
can not be seen. Please note
that any violation of the correct
in s tal lati on p roc edur es m ay
cause permanent damages to
your mainboard.
5. Press the CPU down firmly into
the socket and close the lever.
As the CPU is likely to move while
the lever is being closed, al-
ways close the lever with your
fingers pressing tightly on top of
the CPU to make sure the CPU is
properly and completely embed-
ded into the socket.
O pen Lever
90 degree
G old arrow
G old arrow
G old arrow
C orrect C PU placem ent
Incorrect C PU placem ent
C lose
Press dow n
the C PU