Chapter 3, Control, General help Page 39
Page 39

Chapter 3
Keyboard Mouse
<↑ ↓ >
Move the cursor
Select Item
Clck/ Double-
clck the left but-
Select Icon/ Feld
Clck the rght
Jumps to the Ext menu or returns to the prevous from
a submenu
Increase the numerc value or make changes
Decrease the numerc value or make changes
General Help
CPU Specficatons
Load optmzed defaults
Save Change and Reset
If you find a rght ponter symbol (as shown n the rght
vew) appears to the left of certan fields that means a sub-
menu can be launched from ths field. A sub-menu contans
addtonal optons for a field parameter. You can use arrow keys ( ↑↓ ) or mouse to
hghlght the field and press
sub-menu. Then you can use the control keys to enter values and move from field to
field wthn a sub-menu. If you want to return to the prevous menu, just press the > or clck the rght mouse button. General Help The BIOS setup program provdes a General Help screen. You can call up ths screen from any menu by smply pressng use and the possble selectons for the hghlghted tem. Press screen.