Chapter 3 – MSI Z68A-GD65 (B3) Manual User Manual
Page 56

BIOS Setup
Chapter 3
BIOS Setup
Chapter 3
Onboard USB 3.0 Controller
Ths tem allows you to enable/ dsable the USB 3.0 controller.
USB3.0 Legacy Mode Support
Select [Enabled] f you need to use a USB3.0-nterfaced devce n the operatng
Super IO Configuraton
Seral(COM) Port 0 Configuraton
Seral(COM) Port0
Ths tem allows you to enable/ dsable the seral port.
Seral(COM) Port0 Settngs
Select an address and correspondng nterrupt for the seral port.
H/W Montor
CPU Smart Fan Target
The Smart Fan functon controls the CPU fan speed automatcally dependng on the
current temperature to keep t wth n a specfic range. You can enable a fan target
value here. If the current CPU fan temperature reaches to the target value, the smart
fan functon wll be actvated.
SYS Fan 1/ 2 Control
These tems allow users to select how percentage of speed for the SYSFAN1/ 2.
CPU/ System Temperature, CPU FAN/ SYS FAN 1/ 2 Speed
These tems show the current status of all of the montored hardware devces/com-
ponents such as CPU voltage, temperatures and all fans’ speeds.
Power Management Setup
EuP 2013
Ths tem s desgned for Energy Usng Products Lot 6 2013 (EuP) aka Energy Re-
lated Products (ErP). To reduce Power Consumpton when system off or standby
Note: When “Enabled” EuP 2013 settng, system don’t support RTC wake up event