MSI Z68A-GD80 (G3) Quick Guide User Manual

MSI Motherboard

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Z68A-GD80 (B3) Overclocking Guide

By the launching of the Intel P67 platform, MSI P67
series mainboards have become the first choice for PC
players. Following after the Sandy Bridge platform,
the new released Intel Z68 chipsets, enhancing the
CPU and GPU overclocking abilities, are standing
on the top position of the Sandy Bridge families in
desktop field.

Recognize the Sandy Bridge Platform
Easy OC for Sandy Bridge ~ OC Genie II
Military Class II Materials
Multi-Graphics Cards Gaming Design
Reach the Higher SATA6Gb/s Performance from Sandy


Power Super Speed USB
OC Notice : Cooler Configuration
Manual OC Overview
OC Ability Reference
Z68A-GD80 OC setting reference table
Other Features on Z68A-GD80



The function, specification, data and pictures provided by this guidebook is only for reference.
Please refer to the actual content through the official launched product.