MSI P67A-GD53 (B3) User Manual

Page 42

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MS-7681 Manboard

Intel Turbo Booster

Ths tem wll appear when you nstall a CPU wth Intel Turbo Boost technology. Ths

tem s used to enable/ dsable Intel Turbo Boost technology. It can scale processor

frequency hgher dynamcally when applcatons demand more performance and TDP

headroom exsts. It also can delver seamless power scalablty (Dynamcally scale up,

Speed-Step Down). It s the Intel newly technology wthn newly CPU.


Ths settng controls the rato of memory frequency to enable the memory to run at df-

ferent frequency combnatons.

Extreme Memory Profile(X.M.P)

Ths tem s used to enable/dsable the Intel Extreme Memory Profile (XMP). For further

nformaton please refer to Intel’s offical webste.

Adjusted DRAM Frequency

It shows the adjusted DRAM frequency. Read-only.

DRAM Tmng Mode

Select whether DRAM tmng s controlled by the SPD (Seral Presence Detect) EE-

PROM on the DRAM module. Settng to [Auto] enables DRAM tmngs and the followng

“Advanced DRAM Configuraton” sub-menu to be determned by BIOS based on the

configuratons on the SPD. Selectng [Lnk] or [Unlnk] allows users to configure the

DRAM tmngs and the followng related “Advanced DRAM Configuraton” sub-menu


Advanced DRAM Configuraton

Press to enter the sub-menu.

Command Rate2

Ths settng controls the DRAM command rate.


Ths controls the CAS latency, whch determnes the tmng delay (n clock cycles)

before SDRAM starts a read command after recevng t.


When DRAM s refreshed, both rows and columns are addressed separately. Ths

setup tem allows you to determne the tmng of the transton from RAS (row ad-

dress strobe) to CAS (column address strobe). The less the clock cycles, the faster

the DRAM performance.


Ths settng controls the number of cycles for Row Address Strobe (RAS) to be

allowed to precharge. If nsufficent tme s allowed for the RAS to accumulate ts

charge before DRAM refresh, refreshng may be ncomplete and DRAM may fal

to retan data. Ths tem apples only when synchronous DRAM s nstalled n the



Ths settng determnes the tme RAS takes to read from and wrte to memory cell.

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