MSI Z77MA-G45 User Manual

Page 46

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BIOS Setup

Seral (COM) Port0

Ths tem allows you to enable/ dsable the seral port.

Seral (COM) Port0 Settngs

Select an address and correspondng nterrupt for the seral port.

Hardware Montor

Press to enter the sub-menu.

CPU Smart Fan Target

Controls CPU fan speed automatcally dependng on the current temperature and

to keep t wth a specfic range. If the current CPU temperature reaches the target

value, the smart fan functon wll be actvated.

SYS Fan1/ 2 Control

These tems allow users to select how percentage of speed for the SYSFAN1/ 2.

CPU/ System Temperature, CPU FAN/ SYS FAN 1/ 2 Speed

These tems show the current status of all of the montored hardware devces/ com-

ponents such as CPU temperature/ system temperature and all fans’ speeds.

Power Management Setup

Press to enter the sub-menu.

EuP 2013

Energy Usng Products Lot 6 2013 (EUP) reduces power consumpton when system

s off or n standby mode.

Note: When enabled, the system wll not support RTC wake up event functons.

Restore after AC Power Loss

Ths tem specfies whether your system wll reboot after a power falure or nterrupt

occurs. Settngs are:

[Power Off]

Always leaves the computer n the power off state.

[Power On]

Always leaves the computer n the power on state.

[Last State]

Restore the system to the status before power falure or nterrupt


Wake Up Event Setup

Press to enter the sub-menu.

Wake Up Event By

Settng to [BIOS] actvates the followng fields, and use the followng fields to set the

wake up events. Settng to [OS], the wake up events wll be defined by OS.

Resume By RTC Alarm

The field s used to enable or dsable the feature of bootng up the system on a

scheduled tme/date.

Date/ HH:MM:SS

If Resume By RTC Alarm s set to [Enabled], the system wll automatcally resume

(boot up) on a specfic date/hour/mnute/second specfied n these fields (usng the

<+> and <-> to select the date & tme settngs).

Resume By PCI-E Devce

When set to [Enabled], the feature allows your system to be awakened from the