MSI Z77A-G45 Thunderbolt User Manual

Page 6

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Calforna, USA:
The button cell battery may contan perchlorate materal and requres

specal handlng when recycled or dsposed of n Calforna.
For further nformaton please vst:

For better envronmental protecton, waste batteres should be collected

separately for recyclng or specal dsposal.


European Unon:
Batteres, battery packs, and accumulators should not be dsposed of as

unsorted household waste. Please use the publc collecton system to

return, recycle, or treat them n complance wth the local regulatons.

Battery Informaton

Chemcal Substances Informaton

In complance wth chemcal substances regulatons, such as the EU REACH Regula-

ton (Regulaton EC No. 1907/2006 of the European Parlament and the Councl), MSI

provdes the nformaton of chemcal substances n products at:

CAUTION: There s a rsk of exploson, f battery s ncorrectly replaced.
Replace only wth the same or equvalent type recommended by the manufacturer.