Chapter 2, Boot, Save & ext – MSI Z77A-GD65 User Manual

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Chapter 2

Resume From S3 by USB Devce

The tem allows the actvty of the USB devce to wake up the system from S3 (Sus-

pend to RAM) sleep state.

Resume From S3/S4/S5 by PS/2 Mouse/ Keyboard

These tems determne whether the system wll be awakened from what power sav-

ng modes when nput sgnal of the PS/2 mouse/ keyboard s detected.


Full Screen Logo Dsplay

Ths tem enables ths system to show the company logo on the boot-up screen. [En-

abled] Shows a stll mage (logo) on the full screen at boot.


Shows the POST messages at boot.

== Boot Opton Prortes==

1st~9th Boot

These tems are used to prortze the nstalled boot devces.

Hard Dsk Drve BBS Prortes/ CD/DVD ROM Drve BBS Prortes/ USB HardDsk

Drve BBS Prortes/ UEFI Boot Drve BBS Prortes

1st~8th Boot

These tems are used to prortze the nstalled Hard Dsk Drve/ CD/DVD ROM Drve/

USB HardDsk drves/ UEFI boot drves.

Save & Ext

Dscard Changes and Ext

Use ths tem to abandon all changes and ext setup.

Save Changes and Reboot

Use ths tem to save changes and reset the system.

Save Changes

Use ths tem to save changes.

Dscard Changes

Use ths tem to abandon all changes.

Restore Defaults

Use ths tem to load the optmzed default values set by the BIOS vendor.

== Boot Overrde ==

The nstalled storage devces wll appear on ths menu, you can select one of them be

a boot devce.

Bult-n EFI Shell

Use ths tem to enter the EFI Shell.